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    If Hell is located somewhere between one of those Leprechaun movies and that last Maury episode you saw, then this might be a portal to it. But, you know how those things that will make you go to hell are sometimes a joy, some kind of sick pleasure mixed with the pain types of things. Ummmyeeaahh....

    So. It's a Popeye's chain. It will take you a very long time to get the food and when you get it it will taste like Popeye's food, but it will have varying degrees of temperature, but you will be so happy when you finally get it that you won't care anymore.

    There is a...I don't know, methhead or crackhead panhandler or something (I'm not sure what the deal is, but shit ain't good for her, okay?) that hangs out there - inside - and she wears this, like camouflage or animal print cat suit kind of thing.....A customer came in from the drive-thru and started yelling because his bag didn't have any napkins or hot sauce in there and then demanded some extra honey in a way that made me fairly certain that somebody was going to get shot, but nobody did. Basically, you can just expect some crazy shit to go the fuck down up in here.

    I'll probably be back the next time I'm in the mood for it. Even though the chicken usually has a kind of a glue kind of taste to it.

    PS - they have deep-fried sweet potato pies, like the McDonald's apple kind, but with sweet potato inside. It was kind of cold and gross, but I imagine it would be pretty good if it was hot or warm or something.

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