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    I like McKellin's... it may be because I grew up not too far away and have frequented many bars in the area.  On an average night, it's generally late 30s - 40s crowd... but on Karaoke nights (I think the 2nd Saturday of every month) it's a crazy crowd!  Sometimes it's mostly a mid-20's + crowd, sometimes late-30s + crowd, but it's always a lot of fun!  I've mostly gone for the karaoke because it's done by my favorite host, Jonny Fah, but have stopped in at other times to grab a beer.  Everyone is usually friendly and it's a pretty good time... can't say enough about the bartenders, they've always been great when I've been there!

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    Your one stop for a nice stiff drink at a neighborhood Irish pub..  Stiff drink, usually 7 bucks.  They do have weekly specials.  Typically nothing to see.  Mostly older people, 40+.  Occasionally you may see a Milf.  
    CD Jukebox, strange selections. I.e.,  Old ass rock, Sinatra and Pump up the Jam, etc.  
    A TV, a pool table and electronic dart board.

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