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    I drove by Murphy's no fewer than a thousand times before venturing inside.  Although the big fake rock entrance out front may be enticing, there isn't anything as breathtaking inside.  It's a blue collar, boilermaker kind of bar.  You've got both kinds of beer, Bud and Bud Light.  If your appetite's actin' up, you can order a toaster oven pizza.  

    Although I grew up in the Quad Cities, Murphy's has a feature that, as a current resident of Chicago, I can't get over.  A parking lot.  Obviously no one in Chicago has the space or cash to afford a lot, but it's different in the QC where everyone drives and there are no cabs.  Its very presence may seem a bit of a safety hazard, but to someone who's been out of town for a while, it's a friendly reminder of the local culture: there's plenty of room for you here, but you'd damn well better be responsible for the time being.

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