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    I had a real bizarre experience here last weekend, guys. I must say that as an alum, I have a new-found appreciation for bars around Augustana that don't force me to touch a sweat/beer-drenched 21 year old. I was not expecting Dac Fac to be counted among one of these places.

    Imagine my surprise when, after Buckethead, I went to Dac Fac to find it basically deserted. Like, I could understand conversations on the other end of the bar level deserted. I had the usual (a Funky Monkey split between two people) and was able to sit and hold a conversation. It was the usual dark/neon decor, they have a patio out back and a bouncer that checks ID's etc...

    I was just surprised at how empty it was. I asked a few of my friends about it the next day and apparently I missed the great migration from DF to 2nd Ave (although I did see the after-effects... that place was packed). But anywho... Go to DF if you're not into beer and like slushies that get you too drunk.

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    Obviously the best daiquiris in town! If you dare to try their famous FUNKY MONKEY expect a night of getting weird. Bar tenders and management are all great people and bring the bar a great atmosphere.

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    Well, I don't think it's quite as bad as the others have said, but to be fair, their comments are on the mark.  The crowds are what I can only assume are fake ID carrying teenagers and girls who haven't realized they're in their 30s.  The decorations are lame and generally the music is so loud you can't hear yourself think.  If you're in the mood for an ice cream-y drink, it is good though, and it will knock you on your butt before you know it.  And they throw some great events/concerts in the downtown area.  It's a valuable asset to the community as a whole even if it's not the best in atmosphere for adults.

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