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    I'm generally suspicious of theme bars, and Cabanas is a theme bar times fifty.  There's entirely too much going on here.  

    There might be something to say for anyone with a serious jones for bocce or cruise ship shuffleboard, but it's a distraction for those intent on doing serious drinking.  The feel of Cabanas is something like a bar at Disney World, except here you do not have the opportunity to seduce the failed drama major playing Snow White.  

    It's a nice distraction for those that need more than conversation with a drink.  I prefer to learn all about the good life, with a few close confidants, through the ass end of a bottle with a decent jukebox providing the soundtrack.  

    The main indoor bar does not have sufficient air conditioning.  Not recommended for humid evenings.

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    Cabana's is an outrageous bar.  Everything is painted and decorated like you're in Florida.  It's also the only heated outdoor bar in the winter (which unfortunately attracts smokers, but it's still pretty cool).  There are three separate bars within this place.  The outdoor smoking bar, a bar way in the back called Jimmy Buffits and the main bar where you walk in and get carded.  They have pool tables, darts, bags, horseshoes, volleyball courts and a fountain that shoots fire through the water.  Everything you could ever need at a bar is here.  Plus, they have 99 cent burgers and everything else on their menu is 2.99.  I love this place.  

    Look for the giant fireworks when you're driving down 4th or 5th avenue.  Great food, good time.

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