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  • Has TV
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    "Bleyart's makes damn fine drinks"

    This is the epitome of a friendly dive bar.  Come here more than twice and the bartenders will know you by name.  The place has a regular following and its a great place to catch a game.  It can be rather cramped after 6 pm so get a seat while you can.  This is where professional drinkers go to get serious about their hobby.

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    As of January 2011 this is a brand new bar. If you have not been here this year your missing out. It's clean, clean, clean. The bar is great, and the longest single piece of wood I've ever seen. Every wall has a HD Tv playing the sport of your choice. This reminds me of the nicer neighborhood pubs of Chicago. The drinks are cheap, the Tv's are great and the juke box rocks. In conclusion go here to experience Chicago flavor in the QC.
    they're Cubs fans

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    A sign over the door at Bleyert's reads "We may have screwed over the last guy, but we're passing on the savings to you."  I don't think there's a truer message to be told here.  I've only been to the bar a few times, all of those times it was at someone else's request and every time my experience has been less than stellar.  

    If you read an Irish name and expect to see Guinness or Jameson available you're looking for the wrong bar.  This is your typical low-brow PBR-serving bar with a shamrock on the wall.  They do not take credit cards, instead pointing you to that independently owned ATM with the lovely surcharges to pay for your sauce.  

    If you're a liquor kind of person, your options are limited.  Mixed drinks and shots are limited to the owner-operator's knowledge, which is about as limited as their liquor selection.  During our last visit, my girlfriend ordered a UV Blue Screwdriver, and it was rather lackluster for the $6 the barkeep charged for it.  

    If your standards are cold cheap beer, this is your place.  If you are expecting ANYTHING beyond the minimum, though, perhaps you should walk up the street.

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