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    There isn't really a good martini bar outside of a fancy restaurant or hotel ASIDE from this location.

    Back in the day, this was my favorite place, because it had Tom Collins as a mixer on the pop dispenser hose.  (tell me where you've ever seen that before).  However, they got rid of that as only myself and 60 year old men drink Tom Collins.  Unfortunate, but ever since, the bartender (Dave) has always remembered what I want immediately when I walk in.   (and properly serves it in a Tom Collins glass)

    Don't forget that you can order in your dinner since they don't cook food inside, or take your drink next door to the hookah/cigar bar which is BYOB.  

    If you're looking to throw a party, you can rent out the room in the back at no cost and have a beautiful view of the Mississippi River and Schwiebert Park.

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