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    Best. Pancakes. Ever.  Consider yourself warned, though: ORDER ONLY ONE!  They are HUGE!  Each pancake is the size of your plate, but about 2 inches thick!  I have never had a pancake so fluffy in my life.  They are delicious!

    The service is incredibly friendly, too, but this is not a fast restaurant.  If you're in a hurry, this may not be your best bet, but they will be the first to tell you that they cook to order, for quality, not speed.  This is definitely the kind of place you want to sit back, relax, enjoy a cup of coffee and some food.

    I definitely recommend their breakfast and their pies (perhaps the best strawberry-rhubarb I've ever had).  I've eaten lunch here, too, and it's tasty, but fairly limited menu.  I  have been told they serve a very nice dinner now, but I have yet to try it.  Hope to do so soon!

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