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    We ate lunch here on Sunday, June 10, 2012. There were four in our group and all four of us were impressed with the food. As soon as we were seated, the waitress took our order. Within minutes, we had a basket of fried biscuits and apple butter to munch on. Delicious. Three of us had slaw - which had an unusual spice in it - and I had cottage cheese. Glad I chose that. The BEST part was the fried chicken. It was crispy and tender. The mashed potatoes and gravy were good, as well as the green beans, which were "southern" style (seasoned). My husband was in seventh heaven as we had not had any good vegetables since leaving home. The friend chicken was the special that day - I believe it was $12.99, but it included the biscuits - which we also ate for dessert. I did not mind paying the price because the food was excellent and the service was good.

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    Most overpriced food EVER!!! A turkey sandwich on white bread with off brand potato chips and apple sauce as sides- for $15?!?! I hate myself for not getting up and leaving before I ordered....

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    Authentic home cookin'! This place is amazing, the deep fried biscuits and apple butter taste like homemade doughnuts. The fried chicken falls off the bone and the breading is great. Mashed potatoes and green beans like my grandma used to make. Not too crazy about the cole slaw or gravy though. Excellent service!!

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    Yesterday my folks and I went to The Old Nashville House for lunch. We got there sat down and waited 10 (Not kidding) minutes for us to even be asked if we needed anything. Me and my dad remember how awesome the biscuits are so we waited (10 minutes) until the server came over and asked her for some. She instantly went from being nice to a total 5 letter word with a capital b. From then on it seemed that EVERYTHING was a (bleep)ing chore for her.

       I ordered a ham sandwich that seemed to be made of honey baked ham, cheese from the IGA down the road and two pieces of wonder bread (All for the LOW LOW price of $12.95). Mom got the same thing and Dad got the three piece chicken dinner. He initially asked for all dark meat. Which seems like a respectable request. She brings it out and it has two pieces of dark and one white. Dad wasn't mad but asked her if he could have a piece of dark meat as a substitute. The server (who we've established is a certain five letter word starting with a capitol b) gave him a look like "Really?!?" and went to the back. When she left I made some minor joking comment to dad about how she was going to pour hot grease on him for making her work extra hard. This is where it gets interesting.

         The bus boy (who was either a moron or a complete stoner) must have over heard me say it because he told our server. She came back and jokingly said "Oh don't worry I'm not gonna spill grease on ya." At that point I had enough I went into "disgruntled diner" mode. She walked away and I asked one of the other bus boys who the manager was. Three guesses...... It was our Server... SURPIRSE!!!!!! Yeah. It get's better.

        So as I'm walking by the moron bus boy I look over at him and say
    the following in my best Steven Segall voice. "You need to learn to keep that trap shut or someday someone isn't going to be as kind as I am." Then glared. As i was walking away I shared a laugh. Mainly because acting is so much fun!
    Anyway, I "cool off" and walk back into the resturaunt. Five letter word server is standing there talking to my father (who is equally unpleased) she goes "Oh yeah I'm the manager for the last 20 years." to me (I don't get it. My mind was boggled). So I told her the same thing I said to him. In my quietest calmest voice I said "You need to inform your bus boys to keep their mouths shut." and I walked away again.

    I waited outside patiently for my parents to leave. My speech had no effect on the manager so I hope the following statement does. If anyone on the staff of The Old Nashville House is reading this please take heed to what I am about to say. Your manager. The old Five letter word with a capital B one needs to understand that she is SERVING the public. The public does not serve her. The restaurant should probably check their situation. If it's not the prices it's DEFINITELY THE STAFF!!!!!!!!!!!! All of us have been to Nashville on a Saturday afternoon. We know how busy it is. Shouldn't the restaurant be busy as well?

    (sigh) Ok I think I'm done. Just a quick recap
    Crap Staff
    Prices too high
    Food is cheaply made.

    Bottom Line: Lower your prices (or get better quality food) and Teach your staff better manners.

    Malcak Out!

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    Couldn't believe the price, $13, for a ham and cheese sandwich that was microwaved. The waitress was a sweet girl, but when we complained she looked as though she hears it all the time. This place will not be worth it until they hire a chef that is worth their salt or reduce the prices by at least 2/3.

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    My wife's family is from Indianapolis, IN and all they talk about ALL DAY LONG is Brown County and Nashville House.

    I finally had the opportunity to try this place out and it was everything they said it would be.

    First of all, the  biscuits with apple butter... I could just eat that all night long.  I love the taste of apple butter and now I am assigning a mission to the wifey to use the recipe for their biscuits and find a good apple butter supplier out here in Las Vegas.

    We got the chicken dinner and split it between ourselves.  We had requested to breasts and thighs for the white meat.  It was absolutely delicious.  The skin.  The meat.  Yummy!

    As a starter, their coleslaw came out and it was very good.  They have some kind of spice in it that gives it a unique taste.

    The mash potatoes, gravey and green beans that came with the meal were good as well.

    I was completely stuffed and could barely finish the two pieces of chicken, as their portion size was ridiculously large!

    The place was clean.  The service great!

    I can't wait to visit Indiana again to visit this place.

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    I had dinner here based on my mother's recommendation.  Not a great idea!  The service and food is ok but nothing to brag about.  I have no real complaints just the fact that the menu and dining room are kinda boring.  The meals are $17-25 per person.  The meal portions are large and can easily be shared.  The applebutter and biscuits are by far the best part.  If you are looking for this type of food I suggest Cracker Barrel.  It's much cheaper and you have alot better options!

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    The fried biscuits and the sassafras tea were excellent.

    Everything else about the meal was embarrassingly third-rate:  $20 for *fried chicken* that I could have made better had I fixed it myself?  The heavy, breaded batter frankly reminded me of KFC.  The beans were obviously canned and had the curious, metallic taste of canned beans; the potatoes were instant, flaked potatoes (and yes, I *can* tell the difference!) and the waitress was rude, bordering on surly.

    I remember eating here when I was a teenager, and it was a real treat.  Obviously, the place is now resting on its laurels -- and that goes only so far.  Eventually, the Nasville House is going to have to do something about the very mediocre quality of their food if they want to keep their customer base and stay in business.

    Frankly, I don't care if I ever eat there again.  I was VERY disappointed.

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    I don't care what sort of tradition this place is carrying on or how nostalgic some might be for it, this place is a crazy rip off for the most lackluster food on earth. I was stunned at the prices considering the quality (or lack thereof) of the food.

    Yes, the deep-fried biscuits are artery-cloggingly delicious, particularly with the addition of their apple butter. The combination tastes like an apple fritter and is maybe worth about $3 or $4. Unfortunately, that's not my idea of dinner food and in order to acquire them, you have to spend between $18-$25 for entrees that are barely worth one-third of that. Barely.

    The fried chicken is fine and the portion is large, but I've been to roadside shacks that serve better and only charge $5 instead of $20. The ribs ($22) are tender, but they're drowning in a barbecue sauce I swear is Open Pit. So, yeah, not even a good sauce.

    I, unfortunately, ordered the T-bone steak ($23). Quite frankly, I didn't want to order anything when I saw the limited selection and outrageous prices, but it was on someone else's dime (as I would have never chosen this place), so I went for it. Absolutely the blandest, toughest steak I've ever had. I only ate about a one-third of the steak and a good portion of that third wound up in unchewable masses in my napkins. That the peas served with it were mushy and grayish and looked as if they'd been cooking for a decade made it even worse. Way to remove all nutrients from the one item with the potential to actually be good for you!

    And their allegedly famous sassafras tea tasted just like any iced tea, but at least it was reasonably priced.

    On the plus side, when we complained about the lacking flavor and abundant toughness of the steak, the waitress quickly offered to remove it from our bill. So, yay for considerate service. But the bill with tip still came to more than $60 for some halfway decent chicken and ribs. I'd rather go to Cracker Barrel a hundred times for reasonably priced and reasonably tasty country comfort food than visit Nashville House again, and I don't even like Cracker Barrel.

    Seriously, the owners of this place should be ashamed that they're charging what they're charging for basic home-style country food just because it's in a Disneyesque area full of tourists. Admittedly, pan- or deep-fried country-style comfort food is by no means high on my list of favorite cuisines, to say the least, but when it's done right and priced by someone sane, it can be great. Unfortunately, this isn't that sort of place.

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    The Nashville House serves the paradigm of Hoosier food.  Fried chicken, BBQ ribs?  You betcha!  The best part are the fried rolls and apple butter.  Those alone can be a meal.  My grandmother used to sneak them back in her purse--they're that good.

    I would never complain about the price of the restaurant if the food is worth it.  If you're in Nashville, you're there for a little splurge anyway.  There is a McDonalds in Nashville for you other rubes.

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    I agree with the fried biscuits and apple butter, but the place must be resting on its laurels.  A local told us this was the best place in town, so we went there and the food was no better than the average Denny's at about 3x the Denny's price.  I mean, $22.50 for a fried chicken dinner?  The "bargain" was $18.50 for a roast beef that was ok but no better than my aunts could have made.  I mean, we're in rural Indiana, not the Broadway Theater District.  They make up for the ridiculous prices by having indifferent service.  We asked the waitress a question, and she proudly stated "I don't know," and never bothered to find out for us.  All in all, a chili dog I had at an ice cream place up the street the next day was a far better meal and a better deal.  Don't believe the locals--you can find better places nearby.

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    We didn't eat at The Nashville House, but we did some shopping in the attached Old Country Store. Apparently this place is a local landmark and was the hostelry in Brown County, built in 1859. The Old Country Store has a variety of preserves and jams that they make on site and the place is famous for it's apple butter. I bought some as well as some Indiana popcorn - 1 lb for only 65 cents!!

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    Nothing beats fried biscuits with apple butter and sasafrass tea!

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