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    Depeche Mode concert bringing back Music for the Masses Memories

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    Something has to be done about how much the N88 bus sucks. Post-concert, we waited almost two hours (with several hundred others) as every 30 minutes, just one bus came to take a small chunk of the line to the LIRR.

    Otherwise: All the seats have great views, it gets cold and windy at night (no matter how hot the day was), you'll pay way too much for refreshments, and the acoustics are wonderful.

    If you have a bag/backpack, you can check it for free (tip expected) at a little shed to the left of the entrance. Retrieving it at the end will put you further back in the previously mentioned line for the N88.

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    my 2nd time here it was an amazing concert by Depechmode. beautiful weather great company, the place is very clean. there was a lady helping everyone to find their seats and she was wiping the seats down before you seat. I was impressed and she wasn't doing it for a tip either.
    I was very happy with their sound system being in that open environment they sure had a good acoustic going.
    Hopefully they come back there again I'd def would go see them.

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    I think I'd give the Jones Beach theatre 5 stars, but for the concessions. The concessions were pretty lame and I don't think they served any alcohol or beer.  What's up with that?

    I came here with my boyfriend to see Depeche Mode.  We came a bit early to avoid traffic.  We wandered around the beach for a bit before heading into the theatre.  We had a nice, relaxing, romantic walk along the beach.   We took a nice selfie of ourselves in the sand.  I also got some nice iPhone pics of the ocean.  Being post-Labor Day, things were nice and quiet.

    The theatre is very nice, though the concessions are not impressive.  The theatre is small enough that every seat is a (relatively) good seat.  I am glad the weather cooperated and that my boyfriend selected the Jones Beach show, rather than the Barclay Center.  It was much more intimate.  Our original seats were decent but we upgraded to orchestra when someone came around selling upgrades.  For 20 bucks more, we got moved down to the orchestra in pretty great seats.  They were slightly behind the middle of the orchestra section, but still, pretty decent.

    The smell of the ocean air during the concert was a delight.  From our seats, you could see the ocean to the left of the stage.  I can NEVER see the ocean and be disappointed or sad.  The acoustics were great.  The concert was great.  At our upgraded seats, it was a bit nippy, given it was a mid-September evening and there's no barrier to block the wind. Still, we both brought jackets and we fared well.

    If the weather cooperates, Jones Beach is a delightful location to take in a summer concert.  If it had been raining, I'm not quite sure what I'd have to say.  I had a fabulous time though!

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    I was happy with the concert view I had seeing Depechemode 9/8/2013. Here is the "but" that always kills my reviews. Nikon theatre does not except credit cards at the food venue. If you need cash they have an ATM, but charge $3.99 to use it . Also, I have not been there in the last few years, but you cannot have a beer while watching the concert unless you upgrade  for $50.00 to VIP seating where they charge you additional $13.00 dollars for beer. This will make me choose a different venue when I am going to see a concert once in a blue moon.

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    I recently saw the Goo Goo Dolls and Matchbox Twenty at Jones Beach.  I had never been to this venue and I really loved it.  There is ample parking and lots of food options including an empanada truck!  I found the views of the water to be very beautiful and the atmosphere was great.  I thought the sound wasn't that great when Goo Goo Dolls were on but when Matchbox Twenty was on there was no issue so it must have been equipment related and not venue related.  I would definitely come back to see another concert here.

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    Great theater with a beautiful view.

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    It's such a gorgeous place, it has so much more potential to be a great venue. Unfortunately the place is operated as if all patrons are 20 years old. No beer sold. And this is for concerts. I can understand the argument that people need to drive safe. So stop selling beer mid show. And certainly don't sell beer to VIPs, as if that is safe. It is insulting.

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    Great amphitheater for concerts. I could see why in the summer it's an amazing spot - the beach water makes everything look and seem to calm versus the pumped up energy of any concert you attend.

    The parking situation is SUPER tricky to navigate. I got my brother and I lost because while the GPS tells us where the theater is, it doesn't tell us how to get to parking, which meant we passed the theater and went all the way around. The trick is to go around the statue roundabout and continue the signs that point to "theater" which is quite small.

    No matter. We came here to watch Matchbox Twenty and Goo Goo Dolls - both amazing acts! Loved it - I left being more of a fan of their music.

    Notes about the venue:
    -Highly recommend pregaming before attending any concert here. It's a dry venue, so only soda, water and red bull is available for sale. Keep extra drinks in your car. While you may be able to sneak some smaller items in, just keep large drinks in your car.
    -Food is surprisingly good. I was quite surprised how tasty and tender the chicken and buffalo tenders were. Fries were super salty. Nachos are good, but they get soggy really quick.
    -Though food is pretty good for a venue like this, don't come hungry. You'll be paying a lot for food here.
    -Have fun!

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    Beautiful ocean venue and location. The ride out can be a bit far depending on where you're coming from and what transportation you're taking. From manhattan it's about a 45 minute ride on the LIRR to Freeport  - walk towards the "NICE" nassau inter county express bus stops right below the station - take the N88 to Jones Beach - the bus accepts metrocards $2.50 or coins $2.25 or it even takes your monthly metrocard if you have one.

    The bus runs about one every 30 minutes and even though it normally stops running at 9pm - for major concerts they will continue bus service back to Freeport up to 30 minutes after the concert end. They have their own lane to get out of the concert parking lot so it actually might be faster to take this bus to the venue as the parking lot is jammed and packed with cars trying to leave when the concert ends.

    Came here last night for a Backstreet Boys concert - even after 20 years these guys are still amazing - and a sold out venue shows it! I have no shame in my love for this boyband that I grew up listening to

    Just a few tips - check out the rules page of the Jones Beach Theater website to make sure what you can and cannot bring in. The rules may change depending on the artist playing at the venue. For this concert - people were allowed one unopened bottle of water per person - definitely bring if you can - prices are crazy for food/drinks inside the venue in addition to long lines. Fries were going for $6 and a chicken and rice platter for $10-11 -__-"

    There is a small snack shack outside the venue in the parking lot where the prices are a bit better if you wanna eat before heading into the theater. And as previous reviewers mentioned before - they do not sell alcohol inside the venue unless you're in the VIP section.

    The theater is an open air stadium which means if it rains - you will get rained on - bring a foldable poncho or umbrella (website says ok to bring) if there's a chance of rain. Also being that it's right by the water - bring a sweatshirt or hoodie - it will get cold even on a summer night!

    The view from the seats are obviously good if you have center rows or lower level seats. Some upper level seats, side seats, and second level seats can be a bit far and hard to see the stage. The projection screens aren't too great and can only really be seen clearly at night. The sound system was great though and DJ Pauly D certainly made use of it and got the crowd fist pumping to start the show.

    Overall a really pretty venue for a concert on a nice summer day. Location is a bit far out and food prices are crazy but expected at places like these.

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    I still have bruises on my legs from the concert I went to almost 2 weeks ago!!!
    So the floor seats get wiped out during Superstorm Sandy and they put in these folding seats that are SO CLOSE together that just standing up to let someone get past you to their own seat is a JOKE!! Say the row has 20 seats in it, because they are so narrow and trying to MILK it and get more $$ by selling another few seats to the show, really only 16 people can sit down if you are in the first 30 rows of this venue! BRUISES on my legs from just trying to walk in and out of my aisle, not to mention that once in your standing position at your seat there is ZERO room!
    and if it rains, these seats are USELESS... There is NO COVER at Jones Beach Theater, NONE - Got to experience seeing PHISH in the pouring rain, 5 rows from the stage to NO ELBOW room, no ankle room, NOTHING.
    Thanks for charging me $5.50 for a 20oz. bottle of coke-zero. REALLY.. this costs at MOST 2 bucks at 7-11!! REALLY?? Don't even get me starting with the no alcohol policy..I get that it's a state park, but it's also a concert venue, probably the ONLY concert venue I have to sneak alcohol into!!  And while yes, you can go all FANCY and spend the megabucks going VIP and spending MUCHO MONEY on beer for double/triple the price, but with the outrageousness of ticket prices already, giving the state MORE money is not on my list of things to do!!

    So come early for the show, get decent parking, BBQ, drink out of solo cups and be well behaved and the world will be a better place...
    and to those of you BBQ'ing in the parking lot, TAKE YOUR BEER BOTTLES WITH YOU or find a trash can!!!!!!!!!... because next time, that broken beer bottle is going under your tire, or your foot!!!

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    Overall nice concert venue. Went to the Lil Wayne 'Americas Most Wanted Tour' on July 19th. Concert was supposed to start at 6pm and gates were to be opened at 5pm. However, you were not able to enter the actual concert area until 6:35 due to delays... Not sure if this was on the part of Nikon Theatre or the actual entertainment. I did not enjoy the extra wait time. Also why was a 16 oz bottle of Dasani water $5? Ridiculous!!

    In any event, staff were prompt in escorting me to my seat in the Orchestra area. The staff also did a good job in removing people who were planting themselves in seats close to the stage, that they did not purchase tickets for. The concert finally started at about 7pm... an hour later than it was supposed to.

    Everything else went well, and staff was helpful in helping me get a taxi back to my hotel.

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    Relative took two girls to a concert on July 18.  Temperature in the 90's. Outrageous food/drink prices.  $8.50 for a hot dog, pretzels @ $5.50 and drinks - iced tea - $5.50.

    This theater is part of the New York State Park system.  Why is the State allowing this ripoff?

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    Seriously, who the heck assembles the seating on the floor level? It was like watching a concert standing in an airplane row. You couldnt move, and you couldnt get out of the row unless everyone in the row stepped out into the aisle otherwise you trample eveyones feet or rub their face with your butt as you try to squeeze by. The folding chairs have some parts that stick out and jab the back of your ankles, meanwhile your knee caps bruise from bashing into the chair in front of you. It made a fun experience miserable and uncomfortable. It was either sit, stand and dont move, or hurt yourself. Horrible. Youre better off with the balcony seating.

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    This is one of my favorite places to see a concert. The seats on top get a little tight and the venue is small so the crowd isnt usually a great crowd however there is something about seeing a show on the beach that is so relaxing i love the fact the stage is on the water and every summer i look forward to seeing a few shows here nothing better than a nice summer night watching a good show under the stars and on the water

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    so far as outdoor venues go, PNC (in Jersey) is still better, but Jones Beach is an alright concert venue.

    on the plus side, it has free parking, pretty good acoustics, an excellent view out on to the water. pretty comfortable seating, and there is no lack of bathrooms/food stands.

    on the down side, you're SOL if it rains. I can't imagine why they don't have some sort of covering like large stadiums do to protect both the fans and the musicians. also, exiting the parking lot is a nightmare, since they are only using one road. oh, and no booze, because it's a government-run park, and the food options are fairly generic inside the stadium itself. outside, though, there was some diversity, with various ethnic food carts.

    driving here is your best bet. I feel sorry for people who have to rely on mass transit to get here - it's kind of out of the way and requires shuttle buses and LIRR (two unreliable links for the price of one!). driving here also grants you the hilarity of crossing the Queens - Nassau border multiple times, due to the intricacies of our highway network.

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    Purchased tickets last night for One Direction at 5:30pm for the 7:00pm show.  My daughter and her friend got 3rd row from the catwalk while the rest of our party got Orchestra G.  Not a bad seat in the house!  The venue was extremely clean, our seats were wiped down by very pleasant staff when shown to our seats.  Food was a little pricey, but usually is at these venues.  A little bit of everything.  Staff was extremely nice including both Jones Beach Nikon Theater staff and staff for Live Nation.  We had previously seen One Direction at the Comcast Center in Boston on the 26th, where we thought staff was very rude.  I would not hesitate to come again to this theater, even though it was a 4 hour drive from my hometown.  The theater is right on the water, so bring a light jacket.

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    Venue is beautiful, and from my seats, the sound was great. That being said, the alcohol policy is RIDICULOUS!!!! Seriously, no alcohol at a concert? So I decided to get $50 passes to the VIP rent, where at which over priced alcohol is served. It also promised food and private bathrooms. I did not see any food, so I assume there was a hidden sandwich cart somewhere. And the only reason they could use the plural term for bathroom is because they have a mans and woman's stall. Literally one stall each. Needless to day that there was a slow moving line all night.  The lines at the few beer stands were also insane. Stood on one for about 20 minutes only to be told that the line was for cash only (not posted) and would have to stand on another line. When I did a gorilla security guard stood in front of me and announced that beer service was over. I was told that the $50 "VIP" area would be open all night. When I (albeit angrily) advised the moron guard of this fact, he had two other meat heads violently toss me out of the tent and cut my $50 wrist band. Couldn't enjoy the rest of the show because I was too angry. Total rip off. I also lost a new pair of prescription lenses do to the assault. Neve again!!!! Calling Amex to hopefully get my $ back.

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    It's on the beach.  Parking is free.  Sound is pretty good for an outdoor arena.  Much of it is new due to what was lost during Sandy.  Decent choice of food.  So why the 2 star rating you ask?  Because THEY DON'T SERVE BEER!  It's crazy!  Apparently they stopped a few years ago.  You can buy tickets to a VIP area (in addition to the normal tickets to get in) where they serve beer, but you can hardly see the stage from there.  I'm not a raging alcoholic or anything, but what are you supposed to do when the band plays stuff from the new albums if you don't have anything to drink?  It severely dampened my experience at a recent DMB concert.

    My other gripe is they only have 1 bathroom in the parking lot, and it's all the way up on the beach.  The poor girls have an extremely long line to wait on after a long day of tailgating.

    It pains me to say this because I am no fan of PNC Arts Center, but I think it's a better place to see a show.  At least you can have a few overpriced beers to forget how bad the sound is there.

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    This should be a nice venue I mean its is outside and right on the water. HOWEVER the theater might as well be run by organized crime. Bring your wallet because you are going to get shaken down!

    Close parking? Sure upgrade to VIP for $30.
    The true crime however lies in their alcohol policy. Beer, wine, etc. is not sold anywhere in the venue. IF you would like to have a beer while you watch the concert (novel idea), you must pay a $50 VIP upgrade fee to each ticket.

    What does this $50 get you? The privilege to go inside the area and buy $13 beers and $16 steak sandwiches! Better drink quickly, because you can't leave the area with drinks. Good luck seeing the stage from this area (well a small side view can be seen). Oh and ladies, only three separate one toilet restrooms.

    After this experience, I felt like to should fill out a police report because I was robbed! NO WAY I will be back.

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    Jones Beach is smaller than MSG or Barclays and has an amazing view overlooking the ocean.
    They had an empanadas truck serving snacks and hot drinks, which could come in handy on a cold night.
    It is pretty confusing driving in here,  random jug handle and sign that pops up a bit too late!
    Parking- expect to walk like a mile to your car unless you have VIP parking access.
    Since mostly everyone gets here by car it's a dry stadium but I hear a lot of tailgating happens here.
    My biggest complaint are the bathrooms, while there are a lot of stalls the 2 I used did not have locks, pretty annoying when I am in a rush to get back to a concert!

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    Jones beach Nikon theater does not serve alcohol, not even beer. That is right. Go to see a rock concert, outdoors on the water, with the moon over head, and you are sober. Ugh.
    To get there, take the Babylon train to Freeport, when you get off there are buses waiting to take you to the beach. You want to get off at the 2nd beach to walk under the underpass to the theater.
    Bring a cool of beer and or vodka and drink it at the beach at the food area. or tailgate at the parking lot. I took a thermos of vodka and they do not check bags!

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    Even though I always get lost there is a nostalgic feeling when I come here since I grew up on Long Island. Will always enjoy every concert here period. No matter where you sit, it's worth it. If you get good weather you are lucky, I have been here with a torrential downpour but luckily it was a system of a down crowd so you got this feeling that the storm above you went with the music and everyone was soaked and loving it.

    Anyway.. I will always be a fan of JB Concerts.

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    Quite possibly my least favorite outside venue.  I have driven to shows out here and it is always a traffic disaster to get in and out.  I've taken the bus from the LIRR and that is even worse.  Think hoards of people rushing a single bus and you get the idea.  Also, the arena itself is big, so you kind of loose that fun outdoor concert vibe.  Avoid coming out here for shows if you can.

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    Probably my favorite concert venue. it's outdoor, wide open space, and water surrounding you. What else would you want?

    Over the years, I've been to a dozen concerts here and still never get tired of this theater. It's probably the only theater that has a big advantage if you sit in the back- you can enjoy the water and sunset while listening to your favorite band.

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    Not a bad place to see a show. The setting is amazing, right on the water. Since I do not drink I do not mind that this is a dry venue minus the VIP section. I have tailgated in this parking lot many of times and as long as you have your alcohol in a red/blue/colored solo cup the cops will leave you alone. You can grill, bring tents, etc without a problem. My two main problems with this venue is that the sound isn't that good, which comes with it being and open air venue, and when the show is over they only have one exit open for cars. Expect to be waiting a long time to get out if you don't leave before the encore.
    Also, if you do not have a ticket the show it does not matter, you can come park your car (for free) and just chill at Zach's Bay and listen. I have done that many times over the years.

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    Out to the "beach" for the Doobie Brothers and Chicago tour stop. These two bands have a long history of top songs, and they did not disappoint.

    The music was fantatstic! I thought the "opening act" Doobies, who have their original lead singers from 1970 outdid "headliner" Chicago, who (in my opinion) is just not the same without Cetera (although Scheff does a very good job). We had a blast.

    The weather was perfect for an outdoor concert on the water, and if you have not been here, the daytime view is stunning.

    We were fortunate to have VIP seating in a private box so we arrived early, and ate and drank outside before the concert started. A little overpriced for the quality of the food and wine (Mondavi Woodbridge or Fish Eye are the ONLY choices), but lots to please your palate from seafood to fesh grilled steak sandwiches.

    Overall the service was good, and the VIP staff was great. The food and wine choices in the box were better than those in the general and VIP areas.

    I could see how some of the age to the facility and lack of alcohol outside the VIP areas could be a challenge, but we thoroughly enjoyed the music and the event.

    Heading back Tuesday for the Fray and Kelly Clarkson!

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    Awesome spot to see a concert.  Outdoors , views of the bay or the ocean also if you sit up high. The sound is not the best , but you are hanging outside u see the stars at the beach. -what more can you ask for. Annoying that ticket,aster runs their tickets -feel like it is almost impossible to get lower level seats unless you buy from a scalper.

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    Outdoors, bandshell on the water and great sound. This place is a great spot to catch a concert.

    No alcohol but it does stop people from getting to crazy when your trying to enjoy yourself.
    Just tailgate in the parking lot and come in and enjoy your night.
    The VIP area does serve alcohol but the views are from the side and not that great. It is a cool place to sit and hangout and enjoy some of the premium food like steak sandwiches.

    Overall my favorite place for a show.

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    Great place to see a concert if the weather is right !!!

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    This is a review of the actual theater not a performance. Went to go see (a band) last Friday.
    The place is old. It's technology is outdated. The life has been sucked out of this place. The chairs need fixing, our's wouldn't move up or donw without standing on it. Rusted shut.
    No beer, $5.00 waters.
    The projection screens are actually lit by old projectors  This technology was outdated years ago. You can barely see the screens and you have to wait until dark to see anything. Ever heard of LCD screens?
    You can't buy a beer, unless you are in the VIP section. So I can drink at a football game, baseball game, Garden and Colosseum but not Jones Beach.
    I'm done with Jones Beach theater.

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    I think this is a great place to see a concert but there are just so many weird rules if you want to hang here!

    For example, I'm not the first person to write - this is a dry venue!  And, if you want to shell out extra money, you can get admission to the tent and buy beers in there... It is really a joke.  So you have to pay extra money, so that you can pay even more extra money to have a drink during a concert.  Just ridiculous.

    I will say though, I've sat all over the place, and I've enjoyed every seat I've been in!  I also love just looking at the artist and noticing the water right next to them.  That part, is awesome!

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    All seats have great views and the scenic breezy outdoor arena is just an awesome spot for any type of concert.

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    The theater is classified as a "state park" which means a 'no alcohol' clause.  Yes, it is a 'dry venue'.  However, if you pay the premium price when buying tickets, you can enter a tent where there is alcohol for sale.  Great.... I love all these great loopholes where you can not sell - sell - not sell alcohol... is stupid!!!  We are willing to shell out top dollars for a beer and we can't get one.  Why do I need to pay for a 'premium' price to get on a tent to then pay more money for a drink???  Ridiculous!!!  No wonder why so many people where tailgating and I will be one of them too on the next show at Jones Beach.

    However, the theater is great.  Most, if not all, seats have great views of the stage... the difference is distance.  A nice breeze goes through the theater keeping the temperature nice and cool.  Sometimes the wind is too strong and in a late evening where temperatures are low, it can get quite cold.  Even Stevie Nicks says that there was too much wind!  And for her to say that, when she has wind machines-a-plenty in her concerts, you know it is a strong wind...  and it is like this all the time.

    Concessions stands offer plenty of food for all tastes and likes but they close half-way through the show.  Sometimes planes going to JFK fly right overhead.  However, the sound system is quite good and it did not bother us much.  

    Nice location, theater and food but the no-alcohol clause is absolutely ridiculous.  Lost of revenue a plenty by the state while the promoters get to charge premium charges to enter a tent to shell out more money to buy drinks.  Yuk.....

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    dry arena , nuff said.

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    This is a nice open arena with a beautiful view of the center stage. Good audio system is a plus. They dont allow you to have alcohol on the stands, only in the VIP areas. There are enough confessions stands to loot your money but they are with every theater.

    Overall we had a great experience watching Yanni live in concert for his 2012 north america tour. An arena is as good as its performer and Yanni was terrific.

    One more thing I must say about this venue is, it is close to the most amazing city with the most diverse community in the world. At one time I heard five different languages while waiting for my popcorn at confessions stand. That is what makes this place unique and that is what I like about it.

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    I will never, ever, ever go to a concert at Jones Beach Theatre again. Ever.

    I'll list off the good things about this venue first, because there are a few:

    - They get good acts;
    - It's in a beautiful spot;
    - I don't think there's a bad seat in the house;
    - Good sound;
    - They are now providing bus service to the train station after all concerts.

    It seems perfect, right? Like, what could be bad about a concert venue that's literally on the beach? Isn't it awesome to spend a day at the beach before a show, and then mosey over to listen to live tunes for a few hours in the twilight?

    There really is a lot of potential, and it falls on its face.

    For example:

    Jones beach is a dry venue. You read that right. Dry venue. That means no alcohol. At all. I'm dying to give these guys $10 for a Bud Light, but they won't let me. What's a Ke$ha concert without a healthy buzz? It's you, near 30, soberly watching 13 year olds writhe to music whose sole theme is brushing your teeth with a bottle of jack. In other words, it's a disaster.

    A banned-item policy that makes absolutely no sense. Girlfriend and I went to see Stevie Nicks last Friday night. We caught the train right after work, so I had my iPad with me. We arrive with plenty of time, and enjoy our packed dinner by the water. We head in. We open our bags to be checked.

    Pat-down lady: Is that a water bottle?

    Me: Yea, but it's empty.

    Pat-down lady: You can't bring it in. Is that an iPad?

    Me: Huh? ...yes.

    Pat-down lady: You can't bring that in either. You have to go put them back in your car.

    Me: I don't have a car. I took the train in. What am I supposed to do?

    Pat-down lady: You will have to check them at the coat check.

    Me: Are you serious? You want me to hand over my iPad? Why aren't they allowed in?

    Pat-down lady: They're considered recording devices.

    Me: My iPhone is a better recording device than my iPad, and so are all the digital cameras you're letting in.

    To her credit, Pat-down lady agreed with me that the policy is stupid. I didn't put any more of a fight and checked my iPad and water bottle at the coat check, but it's hard to enjoy a concert when half your brain is worried about the iPad waiting just outside the gates.

    And the last straw: they close concessions less than halfway through the concert. I'm not totally sure why you have to shut down food stands before the end of a concert when you're not selling alcohol (afraid people will drive with a sugar-high?), all I know is that girlfriend and I wanted to enjoy an ice cream cone in the moonlight, but we couldn't. Grrr.

    I hate to be a whiner, but seriously, I won't be back.

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    How does this venue have only two reviews?  Me thinks maybe people have posted reviews under a different location name.  I dunno.  Oh well, who cares?

    Phil is right.  It helps if you have a car.  Otherwise, it's a long evening of planes, trains, and automobiles.  Actually, make that just trains and shuttle buses.  The train to the shuttle bus isn't bad on the way there, but after the show, it's a total sh*tshow, with crowds of people waiting to cram into the shuttle buses.  Everyone is tired and just wants to get home.  Pain in the ass.

    I saw Weezer here a long time ago, and the sound system was dreadful.  I wasn't sure if it was the venue or the band.  

    Then, there's the weather.  I saw R.E.M. here a few years ago and was nearly struck by lightning.  It rained for two hours, most of which I sat in my chair, huddled under a windbreaker, waiting for the show to start.  It turned out to be a fun show (no sound problems), and it's a story to share with the grandchildren I'll probably never have.


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    Was here last night for the Alice Cooper / Iron Maiden concert. I have not been to this venue in a while and almost forgot what a terrific place it is to see a concert, as long as the weather cooperates. Last night was absolutely perfect out, and going to a concert here with the water view all around and a cool breeze coming off of it makes it wonderful. As the darkness surrounded us, and the metal crunching concert commenced with fireworks and pyro, to look up and see the sky full of stars is a surreal picture.

    Now, I have also seen concerts here in the crappy rain and humidity type weather, so it also has it's downfalls to attend a concert here. You never know what you will get and it's a coin toss as all the seats are in an open air arena. A concert here can be amazing like last night, or a miserable experience if the weather takes a turn for the worst.

    One gripe I always have had with this place is that the sound and acoustics at times is a bit mediocre. I guess it's because it's an outside arena. If it is windy out it gets worse. Sight lines are ok as long as you are closer to the stage. It's small so it's not too bad. Also, they have banned all alcohol and beer sales here. What? It's a dry arena now. You are stuck with overpriced water, soda, and red bull. If you drink in the parking lot the state police are everywhere so be careful. Food concessions are your basic crappy junk food. Bathrooms are surprisingly large and clean.

    Good luck getting here, as it's in the middle of nowhere. You really need a car to get here, or be stuck with hopping a shuttle to the LIRR. Sometimes the shuttle is not running on concert nights, and stops running early which means you have to leave your show early. That sucks! Good thing we took a party bus here.

    And don't get me started on the strange suburban Long Island crowd that populates shows at this place. Seeing people like I saw last night reaffirms my decision to escape Long Island years ago to live in the city.

    The concert last night was epic and made it worth the trek out here. Still, it's not my first choice for a venue to rock out at.

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    I love this theater.  It's great.  Watching concerts here, with the sunset and the water is one of the best things about New York.

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