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    Wings wings wings. That seemed to be all they had on the menu. The seasoned fries were fried in mediocrity. The wings were fine though. I expected more variety on the menu they seemed to have a whole page dedicated to wings.
    Didnt get to see any karaoke so i cant speak on that. Did I mention they have a large selection of wings?

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    Hm.  I was so excited when I took the back roads home and saw a Karaoke place that appeared to be a sports bar as well within a short distance from my house.  I always feel like we miss out on the fun stuff where we live...but I thought this could be a change!!  We even took a taxi and planned a fun night out of drinking and singing.  Oh dear, the beer (selection) is horrible even for a "sports bar" in this area.  If you live in this area you know that "sports bar" doesn't always mean lots of TVs turned to your favorite sports activities.  The place was empty at 630pm on a Saturday unless you count the employees (there are a lot of them).  The food was less than exciting.  I don't know that I would go back here unless I was taking a large group of people with me.

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    I Went To A Friends Birthday Party Here And Sung Till I Couldn't Sing Anymore...
    But I'm A True Foodie And The Wings Here Are The BEST..... Now I Go To Northlake Idol Whenever I Want GREAT WINGS..... Spicy Lemon Pepper And Spicy Garlic Are My Suggestions!!! And The Fries A Great As Well.... Nice Staff..... I'm A Fan....

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    BEST. PLACE. EVER.  I can't speak to the food, but I had one of my best going-out experiences in Atlanta, ever.  And I've lived here since 1988, which should tell you something.  That something is that I don't go out very often.

    Some friends and I went last Friday to sing our faces off, and maybe have a drink or two.  I think the equation got inverted because I only sang one song, but I had a ton of drinks.  Northlake Idol is the home of the Bucket Of Rum for $9.95, and it is amazing.  At least I think it is, because I can't really remember.

    What I do remember is belting out Melt With You by Modern Love, and everyone loving it.  And my friend Adam brought the house down with his renditions of No Scrubs and Shoop.  We were admittedly the only table of white folks in the place, and Adam's song selections really inspired people.  The African-American man at a nearby table was so touched that he gave an amazing speech about the power of music bringing races together, and then did one of the best Phil Collins In the Air Tonight covers I've ever heard.  I wasn't alone when I banged out that drum solo on the table, and for a moment, everything was perfect.

    Until the next morning, anyway.

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