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    We wanted to try something new.  I wanted to sing some karaoke. Found this place on a list of places that were hosting karaoke on a Friday night. The karaoke jockey was actually really friendly and super nice. He had a great voice and a good selection of music.

    The bar on the other hand.... It wasn't too busy. The bartender was super snippy with us. She seemed annoyed that I wanted milk ( I can't drink alcohol for a few months, Dr.s orders) and my fiance wanted a soda. She did give them to us, however, my milk was spoiled. Taking a drink out of that glass of spoiled milk turned my tummy pretty hardcore. The bar itself was a bit "cold".  Everybody seemed to know everybody else and had no interest in talking to strangers. The people playing pool asked us to move because we were sitting on the side of the table that was behind them.  It was just not the most friendly atmosphere, sadly. So we left pretty early.

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