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    As a local, I think this is the best coffee in Polk County. I only give 4 stars because, as a Yelper, I have to compare it to all coffee houses I've been to around the world. Nonetheless, we are lucky to have OpenRoad in Tryon.

    Located just outside of downtown Tryon, its a little out of the way but worth the search. It's on Hwy. 176 on the way to Saluda in a very cool, old mill. It shares the space with a thrift store which is kinda weird but doesn't take away from the experience. Of course, if you're thrifty AND sleepy, then you'd be in heaven.

    I've been here a few times now and it's pretty darn consistent. Excellent coffee and pastries. Today I had a latte and a blueberry scone and, again, up to par.

    It's fairly new but seems to have a good following and hopefully that means they will be around for a long time. They also have an OpenRoad card where your tenth cup of coffee is free. Keep on brewin'....

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