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    This place is great!  Freight is the nicest bartender literally that I've ever met.  it's a dive yes,
    But tons of fun for karaoke.  cheap drinks and friendly to everyone.

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    The Other Bar is the name of what was formerly the Tucker Saloon.

    Here, you will find the best Karaoke in the metro area! Seriously.

    Fridays and Saturdays.... it starts at 9pm (I believe) and both times I've gone they were still going when I left after 3am!!!

    DO NOT be put off by the very sketchy-looking exterior (and interior too I suppose). This is a very diverse crowd that comes here, and everyone is welcome.

    Their liquor selection seems pretty weak so unless you like something very common or you are a beer drinker, you may want to stick to, well, something very common or beer. :) I don't think they serve food, and if they did, I'm not sure I would want to eat it. But that's okay by me. Its a dive bar, not a five-star restaurant.

    They allow smoking inside but the ceilings in the back room are very tall, so the smoke is not as bad as it otherwise could be.

    But as far as the karaoke goes... the guys running the show have a wholly computerized system where you can search by title or artist (no huge books to contend with!) which contains an amazing array of songs, and the DJ cycles through the songs quickly. You even sign up on the computer too!

    There's a wide range of skill levels up there singing so you don't need to be shy about just going up there and giving it your all :)  If you and your friends want to try a karaoke show, GO HERE.

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