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    Let me give you a glimpse of the place on a Monday evening, before the potential crowds:

    -my wife, outside, waiting for me to arrive, not daring to venture inside by herself, warning me that not once in her undergrad days did she ever patron this place.
    -three trays of lost/forgotten debit/credit cards from the day before, a SUNDAY.
    -youngsters in their PJs, hair mussed, with dazed looks in their eyes, coming in and asking, "Did I leave my card here?"
    -rows upon rows upon rows of Aristocrat vodka.
    -Natural Light...on TAP.
    -relief. Sierra Nevada on tap.
    -a giant, beautiful outdoor seating area
    -a deep-fried bar menu (the food on the menu, not the menu itself although that would be interesting)
    -townies with camouflage ballcaps, leathered skin, chuckling at the kids who leave their cards
    -me, talking to my friend who works at the bar, asking her to "turn up The Doob."

    good place to catch a game, evidently. but beware.

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    Overpriced, no specials, bad fratty crowd. The patio is nice in the warm months.

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    First stop on a pub crawl ahead of a wedding for two close friends of mine. Outdoor bar was awesome! Don't forget to get their signature shot - Goldschlager and Texas Bobs - Wooohhaahh!

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