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    Five stars all around for this gem of a comedy club tucked away in Carborro.  Kid-friendly improv really sold us on this place.  It's funny, interactive and if you just go with adults they usually let you stay for the next show...free.

    Great for a date night or when your at a loss for things to do!

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    I must say, I am really a fan of this place.

    My wife and I first visited DSI Comedy Theater on a date night out in Carrboro, after my not so well thought through spur of the moment weekend get away to Charleston SC fell through, I canceled my hotel reservations, and started looking for something else to do. Leave it to google to make a brother look good!

    We attended their Comedy Slam typically every Friday and Saturday at 7:30PM, however don't quote me on that. I was a little confused after we picked our seats right up front, why their were so many kids there, then my wife informed me if was family friendly. (What would I do with out her?!) I wont lie this took me a bit by surprise, and I was slightly disappointed, however that all dis appeared once the show got under way!

    This is 'The Boro's' version of Who's Line is it Anyway?, sort of. Two teams of three compete in several improv games complete with, rapping, random scenes with impromptu characters and audience provided lines, and one of my favorites, Try That On For Size!, where the teams have to act out various activities but have to create a new activity using the same series of motions until someone fails, hilarious.

    As soon as the show was over, we promised we would have to return with the kids, we did, and they loved it! By the next morning they were quoting some of their favorite lines from the night before. We will definitely be back for Comedy Slam as well as some of the other shows they put on here.

    Definitely worth a visit or three!

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    The sightlines in the theatre aren't great, since metal columns interrupt the main aisle. But the performers perform with passion and skill, and if you keep your head craning from side to side, you'll be able to see that passion and skill.

    There is a wonderful improv community in the Triangle. I strongly recommend you check it out.

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