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    A small hole in the wall. More like a 2.5 but hey, I'm limited to full stars. Probably would have gotten another star had it been a little bigger and had a little more room around the "game area".

    Went here on a Saturday night around midnight, maybe later. It was actually pretty dead.  With the exception of my friends and I and some bikers, there was nobody else here. My friends who were more regulars said it was usually a little better than it was that night. They have one little pool table, a fake(plastic tipped darts) dart board and a book shelf (with books)  which I have never seen at a bar before. I guess the older folks come here to read.  

    Service wasn't bad but our visit was short lived as we only stayed about 20 minutes. This isn't a place where I'd show up to meet girls but since we were just there to drink and play a game of pool, it was no biggie.

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    My friend took me here the other day and to be honest I wasn't expecting  to like this place. To my surprise it was a cool, little dive bar! They have a good selection of alcohol and strong drinks. The restroom was clean too. There was a nice size crowd (seemed to all be locals) but I felt welcomed. The only negative was they only have chips to eat (-1 star). I don't like drinking on an empty stomach and would've liked to have had something more hardy to put in my stomach. We would've stayed longer and had more drinks!

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    Overall low expectations for this place were met.  Upon entering, was surprised at the number of older (and I mean the above 60 contingent) folks, which I normally wouldn't mind if it didn't come with such a clique-y vibe.  The bartender was very cute and welcoming (Blake, I think), and poured a good cocktail.  Only about 5 beers on tap.  Competitive price point. The bathroom was clean.  My boyfriend and I tried to chill out, listening to the music for a while, but one guy in the corner just kept spouting negative comments.  Not exactly my idea of a good place for unwinding.  Lots of potential, though.

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    Clean and well maintained. There was one other customer but the owner/bartender  was friendly.  She gave me $5 because she liked the music I was choosing and asked me to keep it up. I will go back soon.

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    Full bar. A little small hole in the wallin a strip mall. A lot of older people frequent this place, so if you're under 30 please show a little respect. And no, there really ain't any hotties walking around this one.

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    Do not play the jukebox, no one likes to hear music here, if you put money in that machine expect the volume will not go past 2.

    Do not speak too loudly, grampa over there can't hear his friend's nonsensical quips over your voice. He is more important than you are, not to mention, grampa's friends will eyeball you. They want to be the only ones heard in the bar. This bar truly belongs to Roger. Period.

    Who knew that all the worlds problems were solved in this bar, right here in San Diego!?

    Do not state your opinion, you will be ridiculed. You will be made out to feel stupid and irrelevant if you allow yourself to speak. You will have to put in approximately 8-10 years if you'd like to be heard. By this time, most assuredly everyone will be dead. Either that, or the owners will find some reason to 86 you.

    Be prepared to learn about everyone's sicknesses and ailments. Who has cancer, diabetes, liver failure, recovering gambler, mastectomy survivor, burn victims and who's had someone die close to them and from what exactly they died as well. If you offer up a personal story they will certainly one up you, and then some.

    Do not speak too loudly outside, the neighbors will be angry. You must be quiet here inside and out at all times.

    Do not ask to change the TV channels, even if there are four TVs.  Don't you dare. We watch the news here. All day long. We talk about the horrible things that have happened in San Diego, and only San Diego. We do not care about anything other than what is going on right here and now. We will speak only of rapes, the police, murders, robberies, the weather and anything depressing on the news. Remember, if a regular has an opinion, it is true. Period. No arguing with the regulars! You might get their blood boiling and get kicked out.

    Hey they got a Wii! Now if you can just get the bartender on her day off to stop playing once in a 3 hour period, you might be able to play too. Only with the sound off though, remember, we practice quiet here at all times.

    "Bread and butter" customers.....I'd rather have Steak and Lobster customers. It is my choice and I choose any other dive bar but this one.

    If you are female don't go here. No matter what age, and I mean it. You'll never feel worse about yourself. Petty, insecure, eyeballing, manipulative, two faced, uneducated, self centered snot noses. And I am talking owners and 112 year old patrons alike. If you see the owner use a "come here a sec" finger to anyone, be assured she's talkin' smack about someone, probably you. SO very much snickering behind people's backs. No one is safe.

    If you are super mega old and want to drink the rest of your miserable existence away, please by all means, the doors open at 6 am. Say hi to Wayne for me.

    The only way I'd spend $2 on a beer here is if the owner served it to me on her hands and knees, begging me for her forgiveness.

    I remind you all, this is a BAR I'm talking about, here. A bar is supposed to be a social hang out for all people to come together and socialize. This is not a bar.

    Miserable fail.

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    I've been by Parky's many times but have never been in the place. In till this past weekend when I went in there for the first time. I thought that Parky's would be s!@t hole but I was surprised when I went in The place is clean and seems to be well taken care of. The bartender that was working that day was friendly and attentive. It's not all that big. There is a  nice bar in front and a pool tale area in the back. The only problem is that there tap beers selection isn't all that great and it seems that us and the bartender where the ones in there under 105. In till the very end when some younger hoodlums walked in to play pool. All in all  Parky's is a good place if you're in the area and are just look for a good basic bar to get a drink.

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    We dig this place. There is a very steady crew of regulars here, so you will likely be noticed as newcomer. However, rather than being made to feel unwelcome, we were embraced on our first visit, with the bartender getting to know us and introducing us to the rest of the customers. Really made us eager to return, which we do fairly often. It is small and will get filled up with an large after-work contingent, as well as on Weekend nights. It does tend to be an older but generally friendly crowd, though there are some career drinkers here, so at times it can be an adventure.

    They do run a tight ship, but it's appreciated. I've seen troublemakers get tossed, but if you're not causing trouble, you won't have any problem.

    Not the place for craft beers; a can of Guinness is about the most exotic option. But heavy-handed, bargain-priced cocktails flow pretty freely. It's a good idea to live within walking distance if you're making more than a one-drink stop here.

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    I can see how your first visit can be off-putting, but this place deserves a second look! The owners and bar tenders are awesome. If they seem unfriendly I'm sure it's only because they're wary of newcomers (worried they'll make trouble).
    The karaoke singers are actually GOOD, too!
    Drinks are cheap, patrons are friendly. It's a great local dive bar!

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    Got the evil eye for being a bit loud and ordering another drink!  How DARE I attempt another drink while the bartender talks to her regulars!!  Luckily it was a BC stop.  ONWARD YOU HO!

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    When I first moved here it was suggested by a neighbor, "Cool local haunt" he says. I gave this place at least ten times to 'wow' me. I love dive bars.

    The good: cheap drinks, pool table, very interesting locals, digital juke box so tunes are always flowing.

    The bad: On several occasions I had a bartender "shush" me. Excuse me ? This is a bar not a library correct ? And even then, I am not the loudest of the group... Oh wait I get it, it's because I am not a 'local' and I am just an outsider. Plus there are really pushy clicks of people and a general unfriendly demeanor. OH ! And it is in a freakin' Big Lots shopping center...

    The ugly: I was assured by the owner that I was cool with everyone and a few bartenders were just having a bad night, ten minutes later, the other owner insulted me for talking about politics with a friend of mine.

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    This is my neighborhood dive bar, I can walk here. The patrons skews a bit towards the older crowd but people are very nice. I've seen more and more college-aged customers over the last year, they must like the strong drinks. If you don't like to hear karaoke, with most of it being country, then you might want to avoid the weekends.

    Also, this place is cash only.

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    Really nice looking inside, looks super tacky on the outside...

    Bartender when we went was really nice, she was attentive and was easy to talk to.  Me and an old friend of mine from high school went here to catch up and grab a drink.  I got Stoli Apple with a splash of sprite, and she got a bud light draft.  2.00 drafts?  Thats awesome..

    The drawback, this place is super small, so if it is busy, your gonna wait for a drink and have to nudge people out of the way.  Wouldn't recommend on a weekend, but during the week a good place to grab a quick drink.

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    Perfect shit-hole bar with no windows, and 2 dollar drafts.,. friendly staff, and great folks that you see every day like yourself!

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    If you are under 35 stay away from here(period).

    For the old folks
    Female bartender has a good pour and good handle on the patrons.
    Some of the old people can actually sing, some should wear more clothing and some should not be allowed out of the basement,

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    I agree with Ed A.   Barb was awesome- this used to totally be our Tuesday or Thursday night hangout if my husband and I wanted to go grab a beer.  Last time we went in there, instead of awesome Barb, there was some big, unfriendly man who was more than likely an ex marine, with no people skills.  

    There's no reason for us to go back there now. Not any cheaper than any other bar around, and negative personality behind the bar.

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    This is what a dive SHOULD be like: open at 6am, stiff, inexpensive drinks, cool regulars from all walks of life and demographics, 1 pool table, internet jukebox.

    To be clear, this is NOT the place to go if you are looking for "the scene", to get laid, or start static. It IS the place to go for good drink, cool mellow people and bartenders (especially Thursday night with Leigh. She rocks!).

    Two words of warning:
    This is east county so if you are politically left leaning (like me) don't broach it or be prepared to take a lot of ribbing from the regulars.

    La Mesa cops are known to drive by Parky's and the Hearth House trying to make DUI quota. So even though it should go without saying, don't drive away drunk - especially after last call.

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    Parky's is the definition of a dive bar.

    It's the SMALLEST bar I've ever visited in my life (like you could run from one side to the other in about 7 seconds) but that's part of its charm.

    The dancefloor/ pool table/ darts/ karaoke station/ general merrymaking area is all in one spot and the bartop probably seats about 15 people.

    The bartender (Barb) is very sweet and a good host while you're there and will hook you up with free pool during the weekdays.

    They also do Kareoke a few nights a week, where the regulars (oldies, but goodies) come out to perform for the tiny bar's crowd.
    And they are GOOD. So, no amateurs please.

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    This is a real dive bar.

    Below review citing it as the first place to have seen a real bar brawl is likely not a unique experience.  

    Dive all the way.

    Opens at 6am, and the patrons park in the back so as not to have their cars seen during the day (from spying spouses most likely).  The regulars gather early and remain their for most of the day.  As I learned in Canada ... You have to start drinking early if you are going to drink all day.  Words to live by at Parky's.

    Give it a whirl if it is dives you are looking for.

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