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    Deep Fried food....mmmmmm...

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    Once again, Porter Pub, you've let me down. When my friends and I - pretty much your only patrons on a Friday night - want to stay and drink, don't close the bar at 1 a.m. and tell us we need to finish our drinks and bring the glasses to the bar.

    It's not our fault you can't attract a crowd on a spring break Good Friday, when no one has a thing to do and every bar should be packed. You sold us the beer, now let us drink what we paid for. After all, we're the only money you're making.

    It's not our fault you don't understand charging a minimum fee for credit card transactions is a violation of your agreement with the credit card company.

    I wonder if bars consider rushing drinking out at 1 a.m., before they were planning on leaving, could potentially put drunken drivers on the street or leave bar patrons stranded in the parking lot.

    Anyway, I'll stick to Chateau and Mulligans.

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