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    Next stop on my Indiana food tour before I leave for home is Rally's, or better yet Rallys Fries.

    Rally's fries are a crispy coated french fry that gives it a crunch and deliciousness that distinctive and compared to really no place else. You can get coated french fries else where, even at the grocery store, but it isn't the same thing. Rallys in my opinon is famous for its french fries. What is funny, is while typing this review I decided to look up Rally's to see how close they are to California and was greeted with the realization that Checkers (the chain in Cali) is the Rallys of the Western side of the US.  

    This completely changes my review as I was going to rave about how if you are near the east side of the US you will have to visit Rallys for the fries. However, since there is pleny of Checkers all over the darn place. (LA and San Diego areas) you may have already tried them. Of course they need to move closer to San B. I think, plus I am not sure if they are exactly the same. (for example, Hardee's (east coast) and Carl's Jr (west coast) are the same company, but the food isn't always the same. for example east coast Hardee's do not sell fried zucchini)

    I do know that Rally now have what they call loaded fries which wasn't there when I lived there but are devine. The Big Burford burger a funny named burger to me is good, but I do not know if Checkers have that sandwich.

    I guess I will have to try Checkers and then report back on if they are indeed the same place with the same food.

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