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    Best neighborhood bar!!  Best clientele that turn into great friends...   Coldest beer in town!!!

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    I am only reviewing the Irish New Year party that takes place at 6:00 on December 31.

    I have been to this party a few times, and always have a nice time.  They pour a nice Guinness, have free food (shepard's pie) and at "midnight" they provide a black velvet (Guinness and champagne.)  All in all a nice experience.  And great for us old folks who want to be off the road before the armatures come out.  

    In prior years they have had live music, but this year it was just a bunch of Irish tunes coming out of an iPod.

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    Great place to chill & have some beers. You can go dressed in jeans or for a night out on the town. You're accepted either way.  Not a bad spot.

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    This is a local neighborhood bar "where everybody knows your name." You will find no tourists here, just people who like to drink and be social.  They have a great beer selection, and sometimes they have live music and it is great! If you want guys in khakis spilling their Heinekens on you while listening to B96, go elsewhere.  If you want a true neighborhood experience, drinking Guinness with your new best friends, come here.

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    An Seanachi (the storyteller) has been around for 5 years and pours a great pint of Guinness.  If you are looking for a local pub with great Irish flavor this is it.  They have a kitchen serving until 11 p.m. everyday.

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