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    The last time I was in here all I kept thinking was "Can someone tell them that the giant screen playing project runway or some other weird fashion show over and over is killing my buzz? I know that the Notre Dame Game was being projected there, but it ended hours ago and no one changed the channel." This is not the first time that the giant tv screen has bothered me before. It takes away from the ambiance and charm that this place might potentially have. And the bright lighting never helps either! These are my only two real beefs with this place.

    But other than that this place is your average inexpensive south side bar full of blood shot eyed neighborhood Dads drinking with their buds. There is a pool table and dart board in the back. Its a dive, but so is everywhere else. It's an Irish pub no doubt!

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    Loved it.  I have friends who live quite nearby Lanigan's, I was 'out south', dropped in on them and landed here, eventually.  Cute little hidden gem of a place.  Great staff, nice non-macho-nor-slutty-nor-dufus customers as far as I could tell, the usual cheapish southside prices; had low-key fun (check out the paneled pool table room), maybe more cuz of my friends or being a lil bombed, but was impressed either way.  Cool neighborhood, too.  I'd definitely return.

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    I was here after the Southside Irish parade and seeing as it's been cancelled I am now able to sleep at night.

    I don't remember much about being here, sorry it was a long day of "festivities"... but I can assure you we had a great time. I do remember however that it wasn't jam packed with people and that the servers weren't as angry with us for being so "happy."

    It's a  little Irish bar somewhat off the beaten path that is Western Ave., and is it's  appeal for me.

    If you don't like it, you can always walk about 50 feet to Corrigan's for a similar effect...

    **Newsflash, 99 percent of bars on the Southside are Irish. SO, if that is a problem...go North!  :)

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