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    We went to the Seasons Lodge Dining Room this past weekend while visiting Nashville for our annual fall visit.  My husband had grown up visiting this restaurant many times a year specifically for the fried biscuits and apple butter.  We ordered those, as well as a pork tenderloin sandwich, a fried catfish platter, and two kids meals.  The reason we went, the fried biscuits and apple butter, were plentiful but mediocre at best.  I was grateful we had them, however, because our meals were nearly inedible.  The sides, mashed potatoes and gravy and peas, were clearly canned and utterly disgusting.  The catfish seemed a heated-over frozen fillet, and I'm fairly certain it gave me food poisoning.  My husband's tenderloin was "ok," but he was very disappointed in the biscuits and apple butter.  He thinks they changed the biscuit.  The kids meals were a generic boxed macaroni and cheese, and a forgettable hamburger.  All for the bargain price of $40!  What a ripoff!  

    There was 1 server for about 10 tables, and although she was very pleasant, couldn't handle the entire dining room alone.  We waited 15 minutes from the time we asked for the check (which we had to track her down 15 minutes after finishing our meal to ask for) until we received it.  I wouldn't recommend this restaurant to anyone.  The food was terrible (and when I say that, please know I will eat almost anything), the service lacking, and the atmosphere was stale.  They seem to be riding on the coattails of a formerly great establishment.  Too bad. I would recommend almost anywhere else in Nashville.

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