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    I have had the burger, wings, and onion rings.  All were excellent and the service has been good.  I would have given 5 stars, but the juke box constantly plays the worst music ever (a bunch of annoying auto-tune songs), even when nobody has put any money in it.  And you can't go outside to get away from it because there are speakers out there, too.  It's hard to watch a game when shitty music is blaring the whole time.  Lose the unnecessary juke box and I'll change it to 5 stars.

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    Great draft beers...the onion rings, not so much.

    Definitely come here on a Friday or Saturday night.

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    Haven't had the food, only a few beers, but they have a great patio and are one of the few places in Downtown Ocean Springs that are open on Sunday and Monday.

    Once I try the food my review may change, but as a bar it's pretty decent...pool table, TVs, patio, not bad.

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    Great burger but horrible service!!  What kind of daiquiri bar has only three (with only two working) flavors of daiquiri's??  Terribly unattentive wait staff!  What kind of place allows a waitress to go outside in front of the business (and in front of the window we were sitting by) for a smoke break while she is waiting on us??  Ridiculous!!  On the positive side, the burgers are good.  If you try one, go for the pimentto and cheese on top!!  As good as the burger is, it's not good enough for us to come back.

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    Horrible service, rude staff. Enough said. Top to bottom this place is the worst experience I've had on the MS Gulf Coast!

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    I swear that the following event really happened.
    While attending The Southern Miss Gulf Coast Jazz and Blues Festival a few weeks ago I ran into an aquaintance of mine who mentioned his friend had opened a place called SOS Bar in Ocean Springs.
    So today while attending the Mayfest in downtown Ocean Springs we happened to be camped out across the street in front of stage two and noticed the business my friend had mentioned directly across the street from our location.
    I ventured across the street to get us some Daiquiries and was unaware at the time that I couldnt leave the premises with our drinks. The people at the gate were very friendly and sympathetic. As a former doorman I totally understand the local ABC's policy and had no problem hanging out on their patio untill we finished our drinks. However I was totally caught offgaurd for the events that would follow!

    While moving our things across the street we stopped at a table were two nice ladies where seated to get situated when a young waitress comes charging up telling my partner that we couldnt sit there because a larger party was coming to sit at that table. After this rude waitress leaves we ask the ladies seated if we can sit untill their friends arrived and they claimed that their friends had already left and had no idea what the waitress was talking about. After a table opened we thanked the nice ladies and moved. After I venture inside to find the restroom this rude waitress blurts out to me " your not ordering at the bar are you?"  at which point I say no and attempt to get the managers attention. Now since this was a busy event it was quite difficult to get the managers attention and when he ventured into the office I politely knocked on the door and poked my head in to tell him I'de like to speak with him at which point this unruly waitress screams out at me that I cant go in there! After returning outside the manager appears and I introduce myself and describe the events that had just transpired. The manager who's name I believe was Richard was very apoligetic and said something about the waitress working till 4am the previous evening and offered to freshen up our drinks.
    At this point I thought everything was over and done with untill I see this same waitress running around to security and the other employess and looking in our direction. At this time the owner of this establishment comes over and wants to know why I cursed at his waitress. I proceed to repeat everything that I had already told the manager and explained at no time did I ever utter a cuss word to this waitress. The owner was very nice and mentioned something about two sides to the story and was glad to get ours. I told him that in all my years I have never been treated so unwelcome at any establishment.

    Now as a supporter of local business I'm inclined to not to write such a scathing review of this owners business since they were apoligetic and understanding but this individual had no place in the service industry. If you have to be so rude to your customers then maybe waitressing isnt for you!

    Im sure in true Yelp fashion that after my review is posted that numerous unrealistic glowing reviews will start popping up from friends of this person but there is simply no excuse for this type of behavior in any service related business!

    Note: Richard the manager wrote himself a glowing review of their establishment!  Morons!!!!!

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