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    They are doing Karaoke for Valentines Day at 8pm and then again on the 28th at 8pm. If this catches on there is going to be a contest with Booze Bucks!!! Tell your friends bc I'm telling mine!!!

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    A large group of us came here on Friday night, it was a strange situation, but we all had fun.  It was pretty silent when we walked in and there and there were about four men.  About five other people came and went while we were there...but that was about it!  We put on the jukebox and played some pool & darts in the other room.  The bartender was quite nice and attentive.  A very chill place, just would be nice if there were more people!

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    Ah, Spectators.  I spent many a nights here as a fresh 21 year old.

    To be honest I haven't been in quite a while, but nothing had changed in the many years I did go there, so I'm assuming it's still the same.  I feel like it's Cheers - they have their regulars, who they all know, the regulars know them, and they all love each other. I remember lots of loud laughing and people saying they should go home now....and saying it again when they were there 3 hours later.

    Definitely watch out for the DUIs -as you should any time, just don't drink and drive peeps - cuz the police station is across the street.

    When I used to go there, it was cheap, divey, and full of character.  Check it out because it's probably one of the only tickets in town anyway.

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    Dump dive bar. Always be careful going through carol Stream. The cops are proud of their DUI arrests and always seem to get patrons at this place passing through north Avenue. They have terrible seating as the chairs and tables look like they came from a garage sale. Also, when a mens bathroom has no standing stall..that is a bad sign. At least they have a few pool tables

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    To be honest with you, I've got a slightly one sided viewpoint on this bar.  See, I usually am in this place when visiting friends...so it's not like it's the best bar around...it's just the closest one within walking distance that feels like a hick Wisconsin bar and not something built in a strip mall next to a Panera.  So basically it's a wonderful spot to go get hammered.  I've actually sat at the bar with my buddy, drank shots like it was our job, got up ontop of their bar, and danced with a willing broad.  Now, the ultimate judge I am not, but I'd go ahead and say the workers are more than friendly.  I was actually there last weekend, and I've got a picture of some tasty bartender sitting on my lap.  As long as you keep bringing the Yukon Jack honey, mi lapo es su lapo.  But really there is usually nobody there, which isn't good if you're looking to pick up chicks, but is great if you're looking to get bombed, play darts and sing.  Thanks Spectators for filling that spot in my heart.

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    Honestly, I have not had a bad time at Spectators.  They always have a guy sitting in the corner with a laptop, just waiting to talk to you and play your requests.

    WARNING:  He will not play Red Hot Chili Peppers Zephyr Song, so dont even waste your breath.

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