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    This is a regular Subway. I have been here on several occasions since it is close to work and I can get there for lunch. Everything as far as the food goes seems good. My problems occur when I am checking out. Twice they have tried to overcharge me.

    The first time I ordered a $5 foot long and a drink and they tried charging me for a bag of chips too. When I asked them about the higher price they told me to pick a bag of chips. I told them I didn't want the chips, but they insisted that it was only $.50. I made them change the order in the register. As an added bonus I was able to hear them complain that .50 wasn't that much money...not the point.

    The second time I was picking up a couple of 6" sandwiches for people at work. I asked before ordering if the 6" sandwiches were still $2. Answer: Yes. I ordered the Cold Cut Combos and when I went to pay they tried charging me for a $5 foot long even though the two sandwiches were packed in separate bags.

    I am convinced that if I had not spoken up they would have continued the sale in both cases. I gave two stars because the food isn't bad...you just have to make sure you are paying for what you bought.

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