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    I'll be honest and write that I'm not a usual patron of 'adult bookstores', but when I spotted the purple awning, I succumbed to curiosity, and tried to walk around without looking like a flummoxed child.

    There's a large selection of lingerie (mainly lace and fishnet attire, with a few rogue gold lame leggings thrown in for good measure), a pretty substantial 'bachelorette party' section, complete with all of the inappropriateness that is sure to make the bride blush and make others stare.  Also noted was a large-ish selection of the usual magazines and DVDs.

    I got a laugh out of a 'Twilight' parody, as well as a 'New Moon' parody where Jacob looks downright frightening on the cover.  Throw in Rob Pattinson and *maybe*...maybe.  Yes, I'm a fan of the series.  

    There's also the token 'preview' movie.  They pull out all of the stops.  It's an ID check situation if you're under eighteen.

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