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    Standard Mexican food inside the Cermak Produce super market.  I had the chicken burrito meal (too much sour cream - but not too bad) and my compatriots had the torta ("pretty good") and quesadillas ("very good").   Why here?  It's cheap.  REALLY cheap.  

    Do some shopping and stop here for a little snack.

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    The two other reviewers are right - there are nice LCD's in this place.  

    Unfortunately, that's all that is good in this place.  While the quesadillas are slightly above-average, the rest of the food is overly greasy and tastes like an ordinary taco joint.

    If you feel like watching TV, go to this place.  If you feel like eating good tacos, head south on Pulaski.

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    I did something i almost do all the time... I ate a lengua taco for the first time. I don't know what took me so long, but I probably don't HAVE to do it ever again, but I bet that the one I had here was pretty good. TDP is pretty dope, it's inside of the Cermak Produce next to the Super Mall... what more could one ask for? Two flatscreens? They've got that too, and they're usually on the same telenovela with the sound turned down. Though, on my last trip one was on NASCAR and the other was on a telenovela with the sound on (nice combo).

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