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    A nice sized upscale club. It has a large dance floor about the size of an audiotorium. There is a large second floor with a balcony and plenty of seating The music is hip hop, but it has a diverse mix with stuff from the 90s and even the 80s.

    The crowd is similarly populated. Mostly aged 21 - 30 but with enough 30+ to give the crowd a mature feel. When I went on Saturday, the  official dress code was slacks or better but there were a few people wearing jeans.

    Because of the club's size and ventilation, the smoke wasn't as bad as it is in many clubs. The drinks are pretty good, not watered down. They also have a good sized food  menu to order from. I had the hot wings and they lived up to thier name..

    There is plenty of parking in the front. Of course it is valet only. There is an even larger parking lot in the back with $3 parking. Cover was 10$ dollars at 10pm. 25$ For advanced tickets. 50$ for tables. You can see thier specials at <a href="/redir?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.vegas-nights.com&s=3cca099d979bbefb6a6157df60b19b7d7932c82d90b0b13c18ccc22a5355f2da" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">http://www.vegas-nights.…</a>

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