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    I went there a few times when it first opened. I had a fried pork chop dinner there a few times, and really really enjoyed the food and atmosphere.

    I live right around the corner, and have driven by it several times, and it's never opened!!!!

    4 stars for the food I had there before, 1 star for not being opened!!!

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    There is a huge cultural divide in how non-asians and asians deal with Karaoke (or don't deal with it, as it were).  The topic is definitely too large for a review on poor, unsuspecting Violet, so I'll finish off that aside by merely saying Violet doesn't bother trying to cater to anyone other than the asian market.

    That said, why does it get a three?  

    Smoky, dimly lit room with a bar at the back, small TV screens everywhere, couches, chairs and glossy wooden countertops make for a cosy kind of environment in which friends can cluster around, chatting and drinking the night away.  Smoking is permitted here, so the air is a bit ... thick with second hand smoke.  

    The alcohol selection is very limited -- though what it has will get the job done -- No real scotch selection -- beers are primarily domestic, you can definitely get Soju...  which may or may not be your cup of tea.  Non alcoholic beverages and mixed drinks are also available as well as requisite, insta-snack food.

    There are more cozy private rooms in the back, which are standard for Karaoke pads in asia.  These cost some money to rent and use -- but it's not pricey.

    The english song collection is not a priority here -- so expect the standards that get sung in Asia.  Additionally, in the main room, they have the capacity to play discs that customers bring, so -- that's always an option; provided you don't mind singing before "the masses".

    Mandarin, Cantonese, Taiwanese, Japanese and Korean songs are available -- but with less emphasis on Korean songs (It's a Taiwanese run establishment)

    The big draw here for me is the Traditional Characters.  Most of the other places I know in ATL use simplifiied characters primarily-- which means that if you cut your teeth on Traditional text, you might have issues.  

    In LA, HK, TPE, Tokyo -- this place might get a 2 star rating... But yet, the general friendliness of the staff, the fact that they've cornered the traditional chinese karaoke market in ATL, and the fact that it's open really, really late -- kick it up a star and a half.  But I've such an aversion to smoke -- that I've got to stick with a 3 star...

    Now bear in mind, I still intend to go again in a week or two...

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