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    I've been to a lot of Wendy's restaurants in my day. I actually really like their food, especially the chili and the spicy chicken sandwich. I haven't really had any serious problems with any Wendy's restaurant except for this one.

    I don't know who the franchiser is, but he has never stepped up his game in the over ten years I've been coming here. Because the visits have never been that great, my visits are limited to about once or twice a year.

    Many of my visits to this restaurant are marked with the memory of moldy wallpaper. They eventually did a renovation, but I can't tell that they did anything to improve the place. This is an older Wendy's that they expanded to make the dining area bigger. The areas that have moisture problems are the areas they expanded.

    Many of my visits are also marked with the use of four-letter words by the employees. It seems to vary based on who is the manager on duty. If the employees act that way within earshot of the customers, I worry about what they are preparing for me.

    It's interesting that the Arby's and the Taco Bell just down the road have much better service. The Taco Bell is an ancient building, but the people are amazing. Even the Burger King across the street is more consistant. Don't get me started on the McDonalds across the street. They are almost as bad as this Wendy's.

    Fast food isn't rocket science, but it it still requires a special touch. This Wendy's has never had it.

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