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    Will Henry's is freaking HILARIOUS.  I used to date a guy who lived down the street from the place, making it one of the only options for just running out and grabbing some quick drinks.  As a result, I spent a LOT more time here than I would have under any other circumstances.

    I have lived in Georgia since 1979, when I was almost 3 years old.  At that time, Dunwoody was still predominantly farmland.  When I was in the fourth grade, there was a huge horse barn behind the subdivision where I lived.

    I tell you this because until I found Will Henry's, I mistakenly thought that I knew what "redneck" was.  But let me tell you, I was wrong.  

    Will Henry's exemplifies all that is redneck.  Its clientele is loud, mulleted, and NASCAR-logoed.  The beer selection is not great (think Budweiser and its ilk), but the drinks are strong.

    Despite the vast difference between Will Henry's and any bar to which I was accustomed at that point in my life, I have to admit that it was a rip-roaring good time.  The people there were almost always really nice.  Sure, you had your typical booty-staring redneck, but his behavior wasn't really much different from that of your average Midtown bar-hopping male.

    And the karaoke night was freaking fun!  Out in the boonies, nobody cares about being hip and they're not too cool to come up and caterwaul.  That can be painful on the ears, but that's nothing a good stiff drink (or 20) can't fix.

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    This place rocks. Went there to celebrate my boyfriend's birthday on Friday night, and it was a GREAT time. What a phenomenal place to people watch...you walk in and everyone's hair and clothing is comin' at you from 1983. We're talking mullets, people - and on the ladies, too. Awesome. I saw some woman walking around wearing chaps and I got slapped on my behind by a precious Redneck who promptly declared  "Ladies LOVE that sh*i." Where else does that happen?

    There's a live band on Friday nights, and they were great - all 80s, of course, which was more than fine with the crowd we went with. The food was surprisingly good too - the wings are sub-par, but the potato skins are very good, as are the tater tots and chicken salad. My only complaint? They really only have crap beer. But, the many pool tables and band made up for it. A little smoky towards the end of the evening, but it was actually fine until about 9:00.

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    This place is pretty hilarious if you want to time warp back to the 80s or admire a plethora of nascar memorabilia.

    They have a live band on Fridays that plays all covers and the food is decent just dont get the chicken wings, they weren't very good.

    Its close to my work so ill be back there to check out karaoke night which goes down on thursdays.

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