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    Great local place that has a theater, art lobby, and even a little bar to serve people during events. I hear they have a range of events here, from comedy to you name it. Came for an international event for UNC KFBS and it was a great evening had by all. I look forward to attending more events here in the future. Dude that pours the beers here is cool, too, real chill and laid back, you know, C-boro style.

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    I'm reviewing this as a parent this time as my daughter took a class this summer and goes to their after school program three times a week.  

    My daughter can be slow to warm up, a little wary at times but the programs here have really brought her out by the warmth of the instructors, and presenting and participating in various forms of art.  She loves going there.

    The have a transportation from elementary schools to the center which is very reasonable.  They have a snack and then every week or two they have a different artist in residence come in to teach.  This last week was performing arts (dance) and next week they start pottery.

    The classes are broken up into two groups of younger and older kids.  They also serve as audiences for each other as well.

    They also have many classes after school as well that start next week.  She wants to go to another one, she likes it so much.  I feel good about this place as a parent and am so happy we found something she can put her heart into.

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    The thing I appreciate when coming to hear an artist is how intimate the space is.  No matter where you sit it feels like you're up close and personal.  If you get there early to get in the front of the line there's an even better chance to get a close seat since most times the tickets are general admission, although members/friends who are donors to the Arts Center get priority seating.  Also limited parking in the lot so another reason to get there early.

    The actual space itself has changed a lot over the last 20 years as it got smaller and smaller and other businesses opened up in what was once theirs.  What is left of the Arts Center is well utilized and there's always a great selection of classes to take or musicians to come and hear.

    I know they're working on a shoestring and with a small staff, but one thing I would ask is to actually clean the stage every now and then.  It's always so covered with dust that if an artist is really getting into their music and starts stomping their foot it creates a such a cloud of dust that the lights pick up as it swirls through the air.  I'm surprised some of them haven't started coughing from it!

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    I decided to take a 1-day Cartooning class at the ArtsCenter and was amused most of the time.  The ArtsCenter is in itself great for people watching and my cartooning class was definitely a unique experience.  

    The classrooms are hidden from view, in the rear of the building where you'd suppose the janitor's closets are located or where the office managers lurk.  Instead those rooms and hallways have been transformed into studios that seem to have been around since the 70s.  There was the sound of light hammering from the jewelry-making class, and some melodramatic performer coming from one of the opposite corners of the room.  I don't say this to downplay the ArtsCenter rather I'd say it really adds to the experience.. if that's what you want.  

    If you want to learn a simple craft from a kind but unkept hippy with a knack for some random artform, the Carrboro ArtsCenter may be that place.  Don't expect anything fancy, rather know you're in for down-to-earth-granola-my-canvas kind of art and the people that entails.

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    We saw Wanda Jackson here last night, and I admit it's been too long since I've been to a show at the Arts Center. It's a small, comfortable venue with good sound and seating and a small but decent refreshment bar. The venue is very clean with lots of bright,open space in the gallery. Parking is always a challenge in the area, especially when there's a competing show at Cat's Cradle, in the same building, but we lucked into a spot.

    The only negative: we were picking up Will Call tickets and had to deal with the rudest, most unpleasant little man, who made it clear that dealing with the unwashed masses was beyond disdainful to his sensibilities. I really can't imagine what his gripe was since those of us picking up tickets only needed him to hand them over-- we'd already paid by phone. He was not having to handle any real transactions or our filthy money. The Arts Center could do better with quality of help, in other words.

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    The ArtsCenter is nice:  it's a performing arts center in addition to having some art of its own.  In both cases the concept works:  the art is nice within the museum, and the performing arts area is also a nice touch, with a large enough room for interesting independent performances.  Overall, a nice place to go and watch a show.

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    Calling it an Arts Center is pretty appropriate, because it is indeed part art gallery, part performance hall.

    I briefly walked through the gallery portion of Arts Center, it's really just your typical show piece gallery. Interior is pretty bright, white walls, wide space in the hall, and plenty lighting.

    The performance hall, with the stadium seating, is not too big so there is still that intimate connection with the performer, but not too small that there's no leg room to stretch out. The sound board guy was very helpful during the performance, with lighting, with crowd control, even jumped up the stage and help with the microphone fixture.

    Perhaps there will be more events here that I would love to attend.

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    Arts Center is a great spot to catch a live performance.  Its got a really intimate stage and pseudo-stadium seating inside its small auditorium.  The size and acoustics however are perfect for an up close concert or performance.  On this visit I saw folk singer Todd Snider and prior to that I went for Saxapahaw's Paper Hand Puppet Intervention show.  I recall going here years ago for a jazz trio performance as well.  Good unpretentious spot that also serves surprisingly good, locally roasted coffee, and great local beers on tap (and some in bottles).

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    I love the funky, unpretentious ArtsCenter. Stop by anytime to see the interesting local art in the open gallery.
    We took swing lessons there for a couple of years with the incomparable Richard  Badu, who could teach the Minister of Funny Walks to dance like Frankie Manning. Even if you've lost hope, give him a try.
    There are all kinds of other classes going on, and there are always little kids around if you like the energy. They also have concerts, sometimes with real music legends, but the tickets are usually overpriced for the area. Rich's classes, on the other hand, don't cost much.

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    I really love this venue for shows. Not a bad seat in the house. I have no idea about the classes though, so I won't comment on them. Just... when I see that a musical act I like is playing here, I am always very pleased, because I know the sound will be top notch, and I will be able to see well. Nice comfy seats. Aaaaand, I'll get Milltown mussels before I head in for the show. :D

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    This facility has a fantastic stage for shows.   The hope that the NCCAF is here next year.   The facility itself has alot of interesting artwork hanging up all over the lobby.  You have to look for it, but there are some great pictures by 1 and 3 year olds in the corner.   I was quite tickled by them.

    I can't vouch for the quality of the classes, I was just there to perform.    But I certainly hope to be back there next year on the mainstage for some hilarity.

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    This is an interesting venue. Part gallery, part performance art, part classroom, part art show space. I don't come frequently since I don't live near the Carrboro area, but I have made it out for a couple of art shows. A friend of mine is an active craftsmen, and always gives us the heads-up on any of her shows. The last one we went to was around Christmas -- it was fun to browse the eclectic offerings that were there, but honestly, it's a really teeny room to house much. So we were in and out in a quick 15 minutes. The gallery, though, is fairly large and is fun to walk through and browse if you happen to be in the area.

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    Question: Should you take a photography or music class at the Carrboro Arts Center?

    Answer: HECK NO. Do not take any class here that involves any kind of listening. The classrooms are so noisy, you won't be able to hear anything. They're also pretty filthy and gross.

    As for the classes, they definitely don't care about the quality of their instructors. They don't even do end-of-class evaluations Shoddy!

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    The Arts Center has plays and music and arts of all kinds.  One might even say it is a center for such things, as though arts gravitate towards it.

    You never quite know what's going to happen here, but I guarantee you that there is something going on here.  It probably has more to do with painting or musical theater than it does with baby murder, but that's less of a guarantee.  Not to say that they don't support baby murder.  They just REALLY support painting.

    I've been here several times during the school year for theatrical productions from various people, and they always do a great job.  Tickets are affordable and the space is fun and indy.

    There's also an art gallery attached to the center, the East End Gallery.  It's a tiny space, but it's industrial homey, much like the rest of the center, and shows change regularly to keep you guessing.  Right now there's a show there from Eduardo A-Spanish-Last-Name, this abstract Argentine artist with multiple sclerosis who paints things that are bright and trippy.  Enjoy.

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    I have been on Local Arts panels with the Artscenter Executive Director and we have hosted the North Carolina Comedy Arts Festival at the Artscenter since 2006. DSI has had an Artist-in-Residence help run afterschool programs and I highly recommend the Youth Performing Arts Conservatory. The Artscenter has programming for the entire community. Support them.

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