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    Hey, I reviewed this restaurant back when the restaurant came under the new owners and aI wasn't very kind, but I have to eat my words.  The place is awesome, we just came back from Sunday brunch and it was delicious and reasonably priced.  The have an omelet station.  I had a ham and onion omelet and it was the  best omelet I've had in a while.  The other offering were equally good.  Several people in our party had the french toast and raved over it.  I was stuffed already and couldn't eat anything else, but we're going back and I will be sure to check it out.

    One thing that bothered me before was the wait staff.  That too has turned around completely.  We had three different people ask how ewe were, if we wanted anything and cleared our dishes.  There was no lack of attention even though the place was full.  

    They've also remodeled and improved the flow of the restaurant and it's 100% better.  It looks cleaner, brighter and more inviting.  they've lined the walls with local memorabilia and it features a mural of many of great things that make Garner so special.  It's a real standout and would make a great place to take out of town guests to give them a feel of Garner.

    Guys, I'm sorry about the last review.  You've really made Aversboro a great place and a showcase of what makes Garner a Great place to be!

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    Okay, now I get the negative reviews!

    We've been back a few times since I wrote the last review, and the Staff must have all got pay cuts or SOMETHING that caused some bad attitudes.  I haven't seen the happy-go-lucky servers around at all, and the ones that have been there act like they'd rather be anywhere else.  Go figure!  

    The food is still good (as of the last time we went for dinner), but the bartenders have been borderline rude, and don't even try to give a friendly or welcoming smile.  It makes you drop your respect for a place a few notches.  Hopefully it isn't a regular thing, but I'm writing this after a few times of not-so-good experiences there.  I'll update this if it gets any better, but I'm not in a big rush to go back!

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    This place rocks! Something going on every night. People there are very laid back and cool. Great lace to hang.

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