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    If you get a barstool, it'll be the best night of your life. If you don't, it'll still be the best night of your life. Also, be friendly with the bouncers and the bartenders! Don't forget to tip!

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    Holy Balls! I loved this place.  Apparently we were here when it was "dead" according to the bartender but we still had no elbow room.  It is a typical college bar but they were way better than the pretentious UCF students I am used to, I should have looked more into my college choices. A little dirty for my liking, but I figured it would be that way.  The bartender was funny, and payed us great attention.  Super cheap drinks, dudes trying to get laid, and some friendly middle-ages people = a ton of fun. Totally a dive bar worth trying, just do not wear your favorite dress, nor plan on driving home without smelling like spilt liquor on you.

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    One of the greatest bars of all time. It is extremely cheap (2 dollar doubles most days) and fun! It is hot as hell in there and you feel like a sardine but who wouldn't want to be squished next to a whole bunch of Gator fans?! A great time for the typical broke college binge drinker!

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    I met my wife at a bar called Balls. True story. Can't wait to tell it to our kids someday.

    This is quite possibly the nastiest bar you will ever walk into. It will inevitably be packed, stiflingly hot, almost impossible to navigate, and if you have the misfortune to need to use it, the bathroom might just make you sick (independent of the 5 doubles and 3 shots you just downed).

    All these things aside, this is hands down my favorite bar in the entire world. The drinks are dirt cheap, the bartenders are awesome, the location right across from campus can't be beat, and everyone is there to have a great time.

    Not for the faint of heart, but if you brave the line, heat, and general discomfort you might just have the time of your life.

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    Frat-sorority-douche central. Some guy in a baby blue polo tried to fight my date, bimbos in short dresses and boots were dancing on the tables and grinding up on everyone, the toothless-bartender was smoking while he poured my beer, and I almost lost a shoe on the sticky floor.

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    Gainesville at its rowdy finest.  Whether you need a drink on your way home from class or you need to get hammered for mere dollars at night, Balls is calling your name.  It is dirty and hot, it gets really crowded and claustrophobic, and it's hard enough to get a drink when you're at the bar let alone across the room (and this place is basically just a room).  Also, I've seen more bar fights here than at every other place in Gainesville combined, and I used to spread my time around pretty evenly.  Try getting a spot at the window so you can taunt the people going by on their way to Grog.

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    If you're broke as can be, and looking to have a heckuva time, and get tanked for next to nothing there is no better place to go in Gainesville.  Yes, it gets hot as...well balls.  And yes, it gets crowded as...well balls.  But, get there at 8:30 or 8:45 on a week night, grab a spot at the bar, make yourself a couple of new friends, or chat with some old ones, and let the drinks flow.  During my time there, I never had to spend more than $15 or $20 and I would have all I needed and then plenty more.  But go for the liquor, not the beer.  Those are the best deals.  You want beer? Head to Salty Dog next door when the clock strikes midnight and the deals end.

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    Balls is about the grimiest place I've ever stepped foot in but it really doesn't matter after a few drinks. their happy hour every friday is what gets me through the week and it really is one of the best places to be in gainesville most days of the week (wed - fri)

    getting drinks can be slow but just have your money out and the bartender will come. tip him well and he'll treat you like gold.

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    Terrible.  I got super wasted, puked all over myself, a couple of chicks and the bathroom and nobody helped me.  I though Gators would be more compassionate.

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    The layout of the bar is box-like, and there aren't any well-defined walkways.  That means on nights when it's crowded (almost every night), people are bumping into you all night trying to get by.  I really like the music that tends to get played here, though.  They have the average assortment of beers on tap, but having no place to put your drink is kind of a drawback.

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    You know on TV shows where the pretty young girl becomes interested in a guy, they date, she thinks she really likes him and then - oops! he breaks up with her - sorry, not interested. He's a real jerk about it too.  Your heart aches right along with our heroine and then the episode ends.  

    Well, you know how of course in the next episode she pulls herself up by the bootstraps and ends up looking better than ever.  She decides to go to a random bar one night and lo and behold there is the scumbag. They exchange hellos and then there is the shot of him looking at her, mouth agape, fully regretting he ever left a fine piece like that.  She walks away with a smile on her face and moves on to much better men. Did I mention her companion for the night was a lead singer of a pretty famous rock band at the time?

    ..sometimes life imitates art imitates life, no?

    Other than that I would have to say Balls is a great college dive bar. Loud, raucous Gator crowd, minimal decor, cheap drinks, good selections on the jukebox.

    But of course the extra star goes to the name alone - our heroine grew herself a fine set of Balls that fun night and the boys she dated after never got away with things like that again.

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    Worked here in college in the early 90's and it was a blast.  They moved downstairs from where they were when I worked there.  The place is got that dirty hardcore college bar feel to it, without the politically correct/corporate niceties of some places in college towns nowadays.

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    5 stars because this is the best name of any bar. Ever.
    I vaguely remember this being a cheap and good dive bar. I don't think I was ever sober here.

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