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    Great pizza! Devils own is fantastic but be warned it is Hot!

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    My profile says my last meal on Earth would be beer and pizza. That's right, I'm a pizza junkie and I take it seriously. I'm also a beer junkie and Barlo's has none so that's an immediate loss of a star in my book. You have to sell beer if you're going to sell pizza.

    The pie itself was decent. There was not enough cheese but I thought the crust was delicious. I never understood how people can eat pizza and not eat the crust. That's an important part of it and Barlo's does it right.

    They offer a salad bar with one trip for $2.99 or AYCE for $5.99. We opted for one trip. It's pretty basic. Lettuce, cheese, black olives, cauliflower, dressings, croutons. No mushrooms. Bummer.

    We had read about the cinnamon rolls so we decided to try those and they were good. Could have used a little more icing, but still good.

    The service was GREAT. Now, we were one of only two tables in there but they were on top of it. Thanks to the helpful staff.

    Overall, it was good but not a place I'll be rushing back to. I would go again if a friend wanted to go but it's definitely not my favorite pizza place on the south side.

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    Sometimes pizza is just pizza. After geeking the fugg out about the stuff in minute detail day after day, it's nice to just enjoy a pizza as an oooey-gooey, cheesed-to-holy-heaven-as-only-Americans-can meal.  not NY style or Chicago or California style either. I would say it's kind of a Trenton/New England/pizza parlor-ish mix.  Whatever, you know what, it's great. Turn off the pizza-snob-analysis portion of your brain, and enjoy the comfort-food-of-your-youth works. This is basically what pizza is at Barlo's.

    1) The ingredients are fresh, flavorful.  Toppings are full coverage.  Quality cheese in abundance. not for the lactose weak.

    2) Crust is Goldilocks 'just right' thickness.  Lil' crunch, lil' chew, light dusting of herbage on top.

    3) The store is clean.  I repeat, the kitchen, the counter, the floor, everything is clean. Big stars for clean.

    4) 'Fresh veggies' mini-salad bar that is NOT your sorry bagged iceberg laziness.

    5)  The staff is mature and always great.  Nothing against teens needing to have jobs. Something against teens who missed employee training day and could care less. In contrast, calling up Barlo's is a pleasure, they are always helpful and never seem bothered by your questions-- even if you want them to explain every single specialty pizza on the menu.

    They will perfectly customize to your liking (within reason)--

    What's good on the menu?  Well you can't go wrong with straightforward cheese!  It's just great.

    Pepperoni.  Single topping goodness.

    Unique menu item worth mentioning--Asian Teriyaki-- yes, there is a thin layer of rice over the pizza crust. certainly different and not bad but a little odd for me.

    Bottom line, tasty & quality traditional 'American' style pizza that is pretty good eatin no matter where you're from.  This isn't the only local pizza place I support, but when you have a craving for a pizza without questionable ingredients and/or questionable results, then this is the place you go.

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