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    I was so excited to have a bar in the neighborhood, close to home. I was there on a Saturday night, for the first time. Ill impressed. Many things wrong with this bar. I was a bartender and manager for fifteen years for a neighborhood bar before giving it up. I worked weekends and one night a week, at a bar twice the size as the only bartender. Sales were $3000+. They have two bartenders who are cute, but not engaging at all. They were on their phones and busy eating fruit behind the bar. I take it the manager was there because he was counting stacks of money on the bar at 930 at night...taboo! I ordered my husband's drink...very weak. Ice was melted in no time; clearly the bartenders don't know how to mix a Jack and water!!! I ordered a draft beer...keg was out and had to wait and then, guess what...it was warm! The bar has over 12 beers on tap. There is no way that a bar that size can go through that much tap, beer without it going stale! Looked like an awesome juke box, wish we would have seen it coming in so that we could have played some lively music (Sat. night) instead of heard some lame TV. The bar should have been pumping money into the juke box. Had to laugh, when we walked out of the bar there were two guys out outside (one, who was counting the money on the bar)...there was no attraction, so I can't imagine them needing to card and bounce! Great location with mush potential, the bar owners just need some bar experience or need to attend some bar conventions to know how to run and manage a bar. Great potential, I hope the owners/managers take suggestions and implement them. We will continue to try it, because it's nice to have a local watering hole.

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