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    I am consistently impressed by Belloo's.

    It's as friendly as its song-singing Disney namesake. And as consistent as an elephant's memory.

    Kay is the most wonderful bartender in this town, and the only one who gives a shit about YOU. Everyone else will pretend they're your biggest fan, but they're trolling for tips. Here, they want you to think it's a classy place. It is.

    My only criticism is that they don't seem to change up their beer selection too often. As a beer snob, that will always bother me, but there are plenty of places in Columbus to get decent beer. It's the martini's and cigar-friendly atmosphere that really make this place special. The music is usually good, if albeit a tad loud, but I'm old...

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    I went here with my mom and sister and had a wonderful time. The drinks were good and the bartenders were very nice. I enjoyed myself and even had a grape cigar. I've never had a cigar before but thought well "when in Rome" (: I would definitely go back

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    Kay is an amazing Bartender....

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    Favorite bar in Columbus. Upscale, sophisticated, excellent drinks and entertainment.

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    Love Belloo's.  Sophisticated.  Chill.

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    Great live music and good old fashioned's

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    Great place to enjoy top-shelf liquor or a premium beer and smoke a cigar.  Bring your own stick or purchase one on premises.

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    Belloo's is never a disappointment. On Broadway near the strip of bars & clubs, they are best for martinis & cigars but provide a full bar with a great variety of live music for dancing on the weekends. They have drinks specials during the week and the staff is friendly and fast, even considering the crowd.

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    This place still has the special vibe that I love--even after 2 - 3 years.  The Columbus military-town feel that smells of desperation (both on the part of the military guys and of the few females cruising them).

    The house band was really good and general table service wasn't too slow.  What I really love is the fact that you can order a nice bourbon and smoke a cigar here.

    Highly recommended as a first drink stop-over bar--or even a place to spend the evening if you are with friends and want a live band and martinis experience.

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    This is little place is a hidden gem in Columbus that really surprises me. I wouldn't say it's the classy place that some make it out to be there were a lot of sloppily drunk people here like you would find on say Broadway but the atmosphere is definitely higher class and the live music is a definite change of pace from the 'party bands' that are in the other clubs/bars. The martinis here are very good, but pricey, even more so than even a lot of the fancy martinis I've had in say Chicago or Atlanta add a cover and well, yikes it can be a pretty steep night here. However, the added cost really does thin out the young, let's get wasted crowd-after all with prices like this drinking in high volumes is kind of discouraged, but the drinks themselves are really quite good. I got the Naughty Martini and the Berry white, which were both tasty but packed a pretty good punch. My friends enjoyed their martinis as well, particularly the double chocolate one and we agreed that we would come back next weekend as well as a nice respite.

    If they had some martini specials that lowered the cost of some of the drinks I would probably kick this place up to 5 stars, until then it's a solid four.

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    I would definitely not suggest going to Houlihan's instead. There are actually people in this city who have class, and you're most likely to find them seeking libation here. I've had good and bad martinis here. Mostly, I've enjoyed the company of friends in a cute martini bar. The bar tender is hilarious, and the crowd is diverse. It's a treasure within this cultural desert.

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    This is a place where you can get away from the young military crowd you inevitably run in to anywhere in Columbus. I'm not saying there won't be a few Army guys around, but it's an older crowd. Great spot to have a cigar and a scotch any night of the week.

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    This spot gets three stars for 1] location 2] atmosphere and 3] as an occasional venue for live music. There are way better Martinis in town. I once had to tell the bartender how to make a dirty Martini -- not good. That said, there's no rush in this place. It's great to kick back and chillax.

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    I have been to Balloo's a couple of times because I love a good martini.  It is placed in a classic part of dowtown Columbus with a real classy feel to it.  The music is always good, live and loud during the weekends.  Martinis are good but they come at a VERY steep price.
    This would be a great place to take someone on a first date or go out and celebrate an event with some friends.  The only downsides are that it is top dollar, crowded and the bathroom situation is a bit limited.  P.S.  Where a collared shirt and the cigars are good!

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    Stopped by this place four years ago and fell in love... I think the brass band playing on stage had something to do with it (they had a guy wearing overalls playing a sousaphone).

    Great scotch selection
    Cigar smoking

    Cigar smoke

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    We came here during a short stay in Columbus.  This is a nice little bar in the corner of Uptown Columbus.  The martinis are pretty good, but they are a bit on the pricey side for the small town's standards.  Make sure you take a look at the martini menu, they have a few interesting items on there.  

    The crowd is very mixed and possesses a certain charm.  I get the impression that they'd like to be that swanky bar that people dress up a bit more for. They charge a cover (at least when a band is playing), and offer free admission for girls who wear a little black dress. However, I don't think that Columbus has a large enough population to keep it the type of place it strives to be.  I think that there was all of ONE person wearing a little black dress.  There were, however, girls wearing hoodies sporting the Columbus State University logo and guys with baseball caps and t-shirts.  

    Would I go back if I were ever back in Columbus?  Absolutely not.  It's a cute place, but there are many better places back home in Atlanta without the cover, and where girls dress up because they want to not because they're being given incentive to.  (not that cover is a lot at Belloos...just the concept of cover for a BAR even the nicest of nice is unheard of in Atlanta or anywhere else for that matter)  If you're not interested in the live music but want a good drink, go across the street to Houlihan's bar.  They have a decently stocked bar as well.

    I still give this place a 4 for the good drinks and the setup.

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    I could kiss Karen for finding this place. I think everyone on our team agrees! I was really excited to come here, having heard a lot about it from Karen and the other folks who have been down in Columbus for a while. It's got a great interior, great drink selection, and all the pretzels you can eat. Have yet to hit up the cigar selection, but I am sure I will one of these days.

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    Nice little bar that stays open to 2 am! I think I found the best kept secret in the town where everything closes at 11 pm.  Very good drink list and the cigar selection is not bad.  I like it because it's what I would consider a true cigar bar to be. Dark wood, leather seats and couches and low lighting.  

    If you don't like cigars don't worry, this place is not so smoke filled your can't breathe.  I have been a couple of times just to sit and drink with colleagues.

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    Probably the classiest bar in Columbus.  Nice relaxing atmosphere and an older crowd.  Live music on the weekend, sorta lounge type music.

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