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    Don Rickles Performance, 6/20/2013

    Simply astounding! Resplendent in his tux and black tie, "Mr. Warmth" is preceded by his famous orchestra's intro theme as he slowly saunters onto the stage of the Bergen Performing Arts Center where a full house awaits his presence! Introductory video is shown highlighting his stage career. For fans, we need not be reminded who we came to see this evening as the air is filled with the electricity of anticipation awaiting Don's walk onto the stage.

    As a life-long fan, I never had the opportunity to meet The Master of Insults in person yet, here I was, my wife surprising me with this unexpected treat, sitting among the loyal throngs, watching the master recreate portions of an act that he has played out countless times in Vegas, Atlantic City, NY and around the globe.

    And now, in the suburbs of NJ!, as the 18 piece Vegas-like orchestra warms up, you can easily envision the likes of Sammy Davis, Jr., Dino Martin, Sinatra and others, surrounding Mr. Warmth, on stage at the Copacobana, the SANDS, bringing him into their close-knit circle, not to have him as an added attraction, but to HONOR him! The excitement builds, the entire audience of the PAC stands, ovations continue, and his show has not even begun!

    Jacket and hand-tied bow tie come off early, a smart rendition of Gagney's Yankee Doodle Dandy is displayed later on; a quick two step tap dance with song, Rickles leads the orchestra with his own rhythm, then engages audience members in a stint that brings us back to WWII, in the islands of the Pacific (he is a veteran), the laughs continue throughout the show; Rickles feeds off the rewards for his tireless talent and wit, now he is in his groove, loving every minute of it!

    It becomes clear early on that Don holds nothing back, despite his age of 86, he is the consummate stage professional, poise, dance, song, one-liners, audience interaction with the likes of a polished gem; there is only ONE Don who continued to replicate acts that were performed in Vegas; nothing is spared here at the PAC, bring in the palm trees, pass around the cocktails and we have recreated an era in which Don Rickles holds the key to; the Pack is gone, yet he brings back those memories as he stands alone on the stage; yet, not really alone as his audience lets Don know that they are there for HIM for tonight and forever!

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    Security is terrible. My daughter and her friend were harrassed and threatened and security would not help! They had drinks thrown at them!!

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    Intimate space for shows. Plenty of local parking and restaurant options.

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