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    I had to try this banchanjip (a place to purchase what are ideally handmade Korean side dishes) since it is literally two blocks from us.

    I was surprised to find that there are tables with a menu. I didn't see anyone who would serve food in this dimly lit, completely-empty-at-6:30-on-Friday-night place. There was a halmuni behind the counter, who claimed to have made the kimchi, which was my main object of interest. The banchan was too steeply priced for my blood. The small jar of kimchi was $13, and I felt bad for the halmuni, so I asked for one, only to find that the grandmother didn't know how to use the credit card machine. I waited 15 minutes for the owner of the store to arrive, who did not apologize for my wait and used the impolite Korean grammar (banmal), which is inappropriate.

    The kimchi was fine when I first opened, it, but instead of fermenting into deep deliciousness, it started emitting a goon-neh within a week that I believe occurs when no fish sauce is used. I may be wrong, but it was not to my liking.

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