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    This may have been the MOST unenjoyable dining service I've had in a decade. Our waitress tried convincing me that when she brought my meal out that I ordered filet & mushroom risotto but really had ordered the filet stir fry. Had she had an ink pen to write my meal down perhaps this wouldn't have transpired. She then took my meal back and replaced it with what I had originally requested. Not only did she return with the filet still bleeding, it was assumed that this was the common preparation. Furthermore, I asked for the supervisor and to my surprise was her. She felt no compassion about my dining experience here and had the audacity to charge me for it.

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    Great bar to watch a game, usually try to make it by a few weekends during football season. Food is a little on the expensive side for a bar. Looks great inside after the unfortunate flooding that took place about a year ago

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    Sriachi cheese egg cheesesteak. Review over.

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    Brews Brothers is a fun bar.  There's a softball field behind the bar.  Our team sometimes stops in after the game for some food and drinks.  The food is a little more expensive than I would have expected, but good all the same.  I ordered the edamame and when they brought it out, it expected more.  Very small portion for the price.

    All the times I've been here, the service was pretty good.  No complaints.

    They have good bands play on the weekends.  If you check out the weekender, they advertise their specials and bands that are playing throughout the week.

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    This place has fantastic food. Its a great sports bar feel to it and every table has a tv. Me and my friends go here a lot and to chill

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