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    I've been coming to the Brown County Inn my whole life, so nostalgia plays a big part for me. This is Nashville, not the Hamptons, so people who are negatively reviewing it just don't understand Brown County I guess. The Corn Crib Lounge (their Restaurant) is kind of pricy, but good. (Buffalo burger and the Bread pudding are awesome) The Bar is fun on weekends and they have live music. Beautiful landscaping and grounds, and no one bothers you here. Very low key and relaxed atmosphere, my whole family loves it. Trendy and Stylish? No. Place you can get away for a few days, do your own thing and enjoy nature? Definitely. Support this place, it's a Nashville original. And the game room is classic.. lol

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    Had the Sunday breakfast buffet.  The food was pretty good.  Our server was friendly and very attentive, going out of her way to help us.  The atmosphere was nice.  We had a horrible experience for dinner the night before at Holy Cow, and our expectations for breakfast were pretty low, but we left wishing we had had dinner at this place.

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    Had dinner this evening. Had breakfast several years ago -thot it was pretty good.  Was not impressed with dinner. Salad bar had only iceberg lettuce and a fair assortment of ingredients and dressings.  Rolls must have been purchased at local IGA - could smell preservatives. My companion liked ample serving of catfish.  My salmon was tasteless without honey-mustard sauce.  How can you mess up salmon?  Same price range as famous place up the street, but no comparison-

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    This place is sad.  It is perfect if you're looking for an ill-prepared 4 pm dinner from a can / freezer, at a premium price, with crappy service.

    If you're looking for signs of actual life, either in your dining companions or in terms of your food's freshness, good damn luck.

    Despite the "always fresh" notations on the menu, most of the menu is from frozen.  
    They're liars if they disagree.  The cordon bleu is lower quality than the Schwanns man delivers.  The pasta is damn near foul.  The shrimp was cooked by the grocery store.  The apps are from frozen.  All of the potato sides are fudged (the hash browns are from frozen, the mashed aren't fresh, the baked taste like they were reheated from last week).  

    The salad bar doesn't exactly involve a "recipe" aside from "deliver from deli," nor does it involve more than three or four fresh items at a time (i.e. there's iceberg lettuce mix, there's tomato, there's broccoli, and there is literally not another fresh veg on the bar)   This place is damn near morbid, unless you've a love affair with premixed iceberg salad & goldfish.  

    Given the quality, which is less than "Denny's with a smile," the prices are obscene.  This place is AWFUL.  

    And I've not even gotten started on the rooms...

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    Booked a two night package here to celebrate our wedding anniversary. I could perhaps overlook the outdated decor, peeling wallpaper and threadbare carpet if it weren't for the odor. As soon as we walked in to check in, we were greeted by a smell that was comparable to an old dingy bowling alley full of stale smoke. We were assured that we were in a nonsmoking room on a nonsmoking floor, so we went ahead and checked in. The hallways smelled horrible- smokey and musty.

    The room, to our surprise, did not smell bad when we arrived. However, after a couple hours, people in the rooms next door to ours began smoking. Our room began to smell as bad as the lobby. I called to complain, and the hotel management supposedly went and spoke with the guests who were smoking, but it did us no good because the damage was already done. We couldn't stand it, so we packed up our stuff and left. The only reason I am giving this place two stars instead of one is because we were not charged anything for our time in the room.

    We left and went to the Comfort Inn down the street instead. Compared to Brown Co Inn, the Comfort Inn is a like a 5 star luxury resort! If you're going to Nashville, unless your idea of a good time is living in an ashtray, I wouldn't recommend the Brown Co Inn!!

    PS - kicking myself for not reading the other Yelpers' reviews before I booked. What was I thinking!? (clearly, I wasn't thinking at all... don't repeat my mistake!)

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    Great location near downtown, unfortunately property suffers from much deferred maintenance.   Stayed for 2 nights July 2011 room had old worn carpet and bedding, for $120/night owners should be able to update.

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    I might go back and I might not...!!

    Stopped into the Corn Crib Lounge late Saturday after a day on the lake for some dinner.  It was about 4:30 and we were told we could not order off the dinner menu because dinner did not start until 5.  I was a bit disappointed since I wanted to try out the Prime Rib....settled for a sandwich and fries which was not what I really wanted.  Having said that I am sure my opinion of the place was tainted right off the start.  

    After all...dinner in Brown County on a Holiday weekend in an advertised "resort town" and you can't  start serving for another 1/2 hour...come on...take my order and make me wait a 1/2 hour...serve me up some drinks and ask about an appetizer or something...but do not tell me "I can't."....we were by the way the only customers in the place.

    A sign posted 6 feet above my head on  a beam in the lounge said Wi-fi spot..  This was pointed out by a more observant member of our crew than me...since I had just tried to get "on line" and I got a big "no access available".....so the wi - fi was not serving up either...maybe it didn't start until 5:00 ...I didn't inquire until the waitress noticed I was putting away my electronic gadget and inquired -- then said you should have told me I would have reset it.  I appreciate that she was aware but by that time I no longer had the want or need for wi-fi.  (shouldn't someone make sure it is working besides the customer?)

    The food we did get was good - in all fairness to the cook.  The menu (looked great for dinner) and I would like to go back again and try it out.
    The service was stellar... and the waitress added a nice touch by asking us all our first names since we were being billed separately and she then called us by our names throughout the meal.  A nice touch and she got all 5 of them right...!!!

    Atomosphere is so - so...not exactly "resort quality" but when the bill came I was more than pleased....

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    This place is so nasty. My husband and I went here in February because we got free gift certificates and we thought it sounded like a nice place to try. The food was of horrible quality, the bread was stale, and the service was horrible. I ordered chili because everything else on the menu scared me, and it was one of the saltiest creations I've ever tasted. The general odor in the dining room reminded me of an elementary school cafeteria mixed with vomit. This was on experience I wish I could forget, but the sad memories of the odor, sights, and service will remained ingrained in my mind for all eternity. Next time I'm in adorable Nashville, IN I will steer clear of this ridiculous place.

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    On our way from shopping in Nashville, IN we stopped by here for a late lunch at 3 PM only to find the dining room closed until the 5 PM dining service. We met the manager on the way in, told him we heard they had the best fried chicken, but he said we missed it but there would be more for dinner. We explained we came all the way from California and wouldn't be around for the dinner serving. He offered to whip up a few pieces of fried chicken for us (at no charge!!) and we sauntered over to the adjacent Corn Crib Lounge. We ordered drinks and the manager brought out two breasts and three legs for us to gnaw on. The chicken was pretty good and I'm giving 4 stars because of the friendly service. I wish I could comment on more of the menu, but chicken & beer was all we had.

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