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Reviews & Tips

  • 0

    Every visit I stay optimistic (because I like to be with friends here)
    But: the servers are the worst. Chip on their shoulder or personal problems with the owner.
    They sure aren't looking to make any money!

  • 0

    Every visit I stay optimistic (because I like to be with friends here)
    But: the servers are the worst. Chip on their shoulder or personal problems with the owner.
    They sure aren't looking to make any money!

  • 0

    Every visit I stay optimistic (because I like to be with friends here)
    But: the servers are the worst. Chip on their shoulder or personal problems with the owner.
    They sure aren't looking to make any money!

  • 0

    Every visit I stay optimistic (because I like to be with friends here)
    But: the servers are the worst. Chip on their shoulder or personal problems with the owner.
    They sure aren't looking to make any money!

  • 0

    Every visit I stay optimistic (because I like to be with friends here)
    But: the servers are the worst. Chip on their shoulder or personal problems with the owner.
    They sure aren't looking to make any money!

  • 0

    Every visit I stay optimistic (because I like to be with friends here)
    But: the servers are the worst. Chip on their shoulder or personal problems with the owner.
    They sure aren't looking to make any money!

  • 0

    Every visit I stay optimistic (because I like to be with friends here)
    But: the servers are the worst. Chip on their shoulder or personal problems with the owner.
    They sure aren't looking to make any money!

  • 0

    Every visit I stay optimistic (because I like to be with friends here)
    But: the servers are the worst. Chip on their shoulder or personal problems with the owner.
    They sure aren't looking to make any money!

  • 0

    Every visit I stay optimistic (because I like to be with friends here)
    But: the servers are the worst. Chip on their shoulder or personal problems with the owner.
    They sure aren't looking to make any money!

  • 0

    Every visit I stay optimistic (because I like to be with friends here)
    But: the servers are the worst. Chip on their shoulder or personal problems with the owner.
    They sure aren't looking to make any money!

  • 0

    Every visit I stay optimistic (because I like to be with friends here)
    But: the servers are the worst. Chip on their shoulder or personal problems with the owner.
    They sure aren't looking to make any money!

  • 0

    Every visit I stay optimistic (because I like to be with friends here)
    But: the servers are the worst. Chip on their shoulder or personal problems with the owner.
    They sure aren't looking to make any money!

  • 0

    Every visit I stay optimistic (because I like to be with friends here)
    But: the servers are the worst. Chip on their shoulder or personal problems with the owner.
    They sure aren't looking to make any money!

  • 0

    Every visit I stay optimistic (because I like to be with friends here)
    But: the servers are the worst. Chip on their shoulder or personal problems with the owner.
    They sure aren't looking to make any money!

  • 0

    We were miles from home and hungry and my fellow yelpers hooked us up! Mac and jacks for only $3.50. had the BLT with Sloppy joe soup.Yes Sloppy Joe soup. It was EPIC!!   Hope to return soon.

    Review Source:
  • 0

    Pirates and Bikers Galore!

    This little nugget is directly across from the Old Cannery Warehouse in Sumner, snuggled up against the railroad tracks.  They've got a decent sized parking lot, as well as additional gravel lot parking.  

    I was hungover and starving, and accepted an invite from a friend to celebrate her birthday there.  When you walk in, the first thing you notice is that the floor is wood planking, and it gives a little bit in some spots.  This place has a low ceiling, to which are attached many beer/racing/pirate/seagoing related items.  There's also a bear on a motorcycle in one corner.  Truly kitsch, but also very, very cool!  

    I ordered up a bacon cheeseburger, and although it wasn't anything spectacular, it hit the spot.  Salty crinkle-cut fries accompanied the beef.  Good stuff, Maynard!

    My drink of choice was Bud Light bottles, and every one that was served up was chilled to perfection.  Ahhh...

    There was certainly an eclectic mix of patrons, from the old, grizzled, road-hard biker veterans to the pimp daddy in his white suit, the frat-boys, the Farmer Teds, a buttrocker or three ("duuude, I'm so wasted!), and all in between. Oh, and yes, some good lookin' ladies, too!

    Flat screen TVs are just about everywhere you look, and their jukebox heavily favors classic rock and roll tunes, although at one point in the evening, it appeared that someone stuck in enough money to play just about an hour's worth of Iron Maiden.

    The owner was constantly moving around, visiting with everyone, checking up on them and just generally making you feel very welcome, extending a hand and introducing himself to all.  A real friendly, no pressure, no "games" atmosphere, for sure!  I'd be willing to bet that if a month goes by before my next visit,  he'll probably recognize me, and ask where I've been.  

    Service tends to be a bit slow, if you are a "professional" drinker, so you just may be best served if you seat yourself at the bar rather than a table across the room.  But, you'll be checking out all the stuff on the walls, so the wait isn't really that bad!

    Next time you're in the area, it's worth giving a looksee.

    Review Source:
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