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    My favorite spot for an all out NYC Bashment!!!!!

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    i HAD A BLAST!  We almost closed this place out! The place is a little scary, there was just so much security. I've never been searched so hard not even at the airport on the anniversary of Sept 11. I almost wanted to lay down and ask the security guard does she give pap smears!

    Inside the club it was packed from end to end. Within seconds of entering some guy took my hand and was asking me to dance. It took forever to get to the bar, but the wait was well worth it! I think my friend ordered $15 Rum Runner (or something with rum) this drink was great but also to much for me to take! Many friends were dancing like they had on roller skates and smiling ear to ear. (I only party with happy drunks :-)

    I spent most of the time dancing and chatting it up with strangers that were becoming friends. It was cool to just vibe and have a conversation with someone. We nearly crawled back to the car (after dancing off most of the alcohol) and drove back with laughter and stories about the night.

    Can't wait to go back.

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    THIEVES..!! I had the worst experience at this club..The bartender try to stealing from me when i bought my second drink she charge me extra on my tab when i confronted her about it she pretended like she didnt know what i was talking  about the food and music  was ok for the most part but its not worth standing outside  in line for twenty minutes  in the cold .the whole operation I
    s ridiculous i rather keep my hard earned money..

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