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    My favorite spot for an all out NYC Bashment!!!!!

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    i HAD A BLAST!  We almost closed this place out! The place is a little scary, there was just so much security. I've never been searched so hard not even at the airport on the anniversary of Sept 11. I almost wanted to lay down and ask the security guard does she give pap smears!

    Inside the club it was packed from end to end. Within seconds of entering some guy took my hand and was asking me to dance. It took forever to get to the bar, but the wait was well worth it! I think my friend ordered $15 Rum Runner (or something with rum) this drink was great but also to much for me to take! Many friends were dancing like they had on roller skates and smiling ear to ear. (I only party with happy drunks :-)

    I spent most of the time dancing and chatting it up with strangers that were becoming friends. It was cool to just vibe and have a conversation with someone. We nearly crawled back to the car (after dancing off most of the alcohol) and drove back with laughter and stories about the night.

    Can't wait to go back.

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    THIEVES..!! I had the worst experience at this club..The bartender try to stealing from me when i bought my second drink she charge me extra on my tab when i confronted her about it she pretended like she didnt know what i was talking  about the food and music  was ok for the most part but its not worth standing outside  in line for twenty minutes  in the cold .the whole operation I
    s ridiculous i rather keep my hard earned money..

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    I was freezing the majority of my time here! I dance a lot but when I rested I became cold again. The music was great! Usually reggae spots play a lot of NY music but instead there was a lot of ATL music in between the reggae.  

    I enjoyed.

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    If you like reggae you'll love this place. Great music a lot of dancing not super crowded. Most of the time it's free before 12 too.

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    Had no idea I was going to enjoy this club as much as I did! The music is great, loud and felt with every vibration. If you like to dance you'll love it. It's a nice mixture of reggae, soca, and hip-hop. They definitely rep the "A" in the hip-hop department, you won't be disappointed. However, as a fellow northerner, I would love to hear some more "northern" hip-hop but it was a cool vibe anyway. It's a small club and can get crowded and if you don't like to smoke, smell like smoke or be around smokers- THIS IS NOT THE PLACE FOR YOU, you will be highly upset! Even though it can get a little crowded I can always find a good spot to dance and chill in between working the floor. The open kitchen is a big plus and it's open all night long so after you've worked up a sweat and you wanna fill your belly, they have you covered. The only thing is that there are hardly any tables to sit at so you will have to find a seat off to the side or stand up and eat your food, not the easiest thing to do for some but when you're hungry stuff like that doesn't matter.
    It's usually around $10-$20 to get in depending on what's going on so call in advance or check out their website before heading out. Ladies do not expect the Ritz Carlton kind of bathroom, their bathroom sucks! The doors don't connect to the wall (Really?) so not a good place if you're shy. On some nights they have concierge service so you can always ask for the person to block the stall for privacy.
    The crowd is young, vibrant and if you don't want to get hounded to dance over and over again ladies, bring someone along with you, it helps big time. But look forward to enjoying a night of fun!

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    It was decent. I didnt know it was a restaurant either. I didnt see any food. It does get packed.

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    I've been to 426 a few times. Once was an "Obsession" Sunday night for their weekly Sunday thing. It was def a younger crowd, and they played more hip hop than anything else. 426? Hip-hop? Picture me confused... I didn't expect this atallatalll.

    So I figure while standing around, in a half empty "Obsessed" Sunday, watchin d youths jump around to "All the Way Turned Up" with my sweater on, and no sweat on my forehead, I may as well go and get some food. I go around to the backside which, to my suprise, had some dreds playing pool.

    "Good night" and walk my tail to the counter.
    The woman looked annoyed that I came to order food. No suprise there. I'm used to this treatment...

    Her: Wha yuh wha?
    Me: Escovietch and--you have festival?
    Her: FESTIVAAAL naaa we nuh have none, an ah have fish but ah holdin dem fuh other people
    Me: WHAT?
    Her: ah cya sell it tuh yuh. yuh want jerk chicken?
    Me: sure, whatever. a large.
    Her: iyhih
    Waits 20 minutes fuh a piece a blasted chicken. I figure alright, must be fresh off d coal pot for all this wait. After the chicken FINALLY come out.
    Me: where is the hard dough bread?
    Her: Finish.
    Me: Jerk sauce?
    Her: Finish
    Me: WTF?
    Attempts to leave the place w/o getting harrassed in the process. Big dutty fail. Get to the car to eat this "jerk chicken" and it taste like it was made with black pepper, salt, and put on a blasted George Foreman grill.

    Steups. Other times I went there on Dancehall or Soca nights, and I came out smellin of straight smoke. Is there a next decent club here that 1) I won't smell of smoke leaving the place  2) MAYBE actually has nice people working there 3) don't have to get my boobs and cavity squeezed and felt up to enter the club just with the hopes of not getting shot at while getting my dub on...

    I'll pass on the 426. Is Atrium another version of this same rigmarole? Steups.

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