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    Here I go, another bad review on an 18+ club in Georgia. OK, I would recommend this shit hole if you enjoy short Hispanic 18 year old boys...and when I short I mean 5' 3". I was the tallest girl in the club and I'm only 5'6" and with my heels on, I was basically a giraffe. Needless to say everyone was starring at me like I was a freak and on top of that my friends kept saying I looked like I popped out of a Vogue magazine so I'm sure they were thinking 'WHY AREN'T YOU WEARING A DRESS FROM RAINBOW?!?!' Oh, and gents, if you're into fat Hispanic girls in short tight dresses who can't drink and wanna grind all over each other in a tiny cage...go for it. So, from reading my description of the habitants, I'm sure you're thinking like myself. WHAT THE HELL IS EUROPEAN ABOUT THIS PLACE?!?! It is hot, sweaty and you can't move but of course, 18 year olds don't care that they're sweating and being whores and losers because they're 18 and out of their mama's house for the night. The music was straight up boo-boo...don't play fucking bachata at a place called Club Europe. They played Temperature by Sean Paul....really? But naturally, the baby sluts were dancing all over each other and being retarded so boys...not men...can check them out because they need the validation. I was there from 11:30-2:00....obviously way too long and still I didn't even get to hear any of the cheesy Euro dance music that I enjoy! Don't go to this place! Please.

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    What a horrible, horrible place.

    If you're 18, or younger with a good fake-ID, and want to go "clubbing" so you can feel like you're older - then by all means, dance on. But this place will warp your image of clubbing forever.

    Let's start with the "bouncers". The pat-down, security check, and dress code is enforced randomly. Some people are searched, some aren't. Some people are told to tuck in their shirts, some aren't. Some people are given bracelets without ID, some aren't. Some girls are let in for free, some aren't. Some people are told to wait in line, some aren't. There's no order or blanket statement that can be made about this place, except that I'd recommend running for the hills.

    This place is, honestly, a joke. You walk inside the dimly lit and crowded room of pulsating teens, and you can see the gamut of activity: underage drinking, two kids having sex in a chair while fully clothed and attempting to mask it with "dancing", people getting molested - both willingly and unwillingly. If you stand in one place too long, especially as a girl, a short man with greased back hair, liquor breath, and who undoubtedly smells funny, will grab you around the waist and start dry humping you from behind. He won't ask if you want to "dance", he just just start rubbing "himself" all over you.

    I'm not saying there's anything "wrong" with sexual assault. I'm not pointing fingers or assigning blame. I'm just warning you right now - it's gonna happen. If you're okay with that, then DANCE ON STAR CHILD! More power to you! But if you're not okay with that, then go somewhere else. For example: I am not okay with being fondled so I do not go to Club Europe.

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    I hate 18+ clubs. Usually, some immature high school punk tries to start a fight with me because I looked at him funny. Suddenly, that stuff disappears in a 21+ club because those meat heads mature.

    The bad: 18+, super ghetto, horrible bouncers, underage kids, cheesy cages, and crappy atmosphere.

    The good: Cheesy Euro-pop! (I don't know if they place that stuff anymore these days)

    But not even the cheesy Euro-pop isn't enough for me to step foot into this horrible place. But I will give 1 more star just for it's music selection.

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