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    Dive across from the ol' logging plant to find Dracut's most inappropriately named gin joint, Crackers Lounge!

    It's not that Cracker is a less than thrilling place to drink. The locals run the show, there are dart boards abound and the waitress behind the bar poured with a heavy hand. Sound promising?

    Now let's analyze those points:
    - The locals run the show. We were not local and this came as no surprise to those around us, who provided a fair share of judging scowls and over-the-shoulder snickerwhispering. Never one to grade a man by the color of his collar, I can say, without remorse, the crowd were acting like jerks.

    - The dart boards were everywhere, and as evidenced by the numerous trophies and plaques, Crackers served host to quite the quantity of tourneys. And tournament dart players we were not. All the more reason to scoff our alcoholic demands! Get no respect, I tell ya.

    - The waitress behind the bar cannot get designated as a bartender because it became quickly apparent that she (1) had no idea what bottles they had - booze or brew, and (2) priced drinks on the fly an off, what, a gut feeling? My three vodka sodas were $7.25, $6.75 and $7.50 which is expensive for where we were and, not to mention, at best, 2/3rds incorrect!

    A little polish could have easily put the open layout, mini-arcade and kickass moniker up to a cool threesome, but really, the little building on a gravel lot is just a big, fat pair. And I don't mean the knockers on the Elvira pinball! Humminahumminahummina

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