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    Went here for the first time last night. Bartender was polite and quick. Some drama here with wife/husbands coming here. Not very busy but music was good. Good beer, small place with a dance floor that wasn't busy. This place is in a plaza and would be tough to bar hop from here so this is mostly why it's not as busy as it could be. Decent layout.

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    Us girls decided to check this place out one Friday night when we were up in Cow Hampshire. It was pretty apparent when we walked in it was exclusively regulars there that night but we got some drinks anyway. HOLY MOSES, the bartender was rude! She didn't interact at all, just standing in front of you so you knew to order and slamming the change/drink down. This was annoying.
    We sat down near the DJ, who was actually really good and also super nice. He had a huge TV set up with a Wii, and we played a few games of bowling and baseball with a few of the guys playing. That was really fun and I'm glad we came when the DJ was there b/c otherwise it would have been extremely lame.
    They had a few pool tables and a covered patio out back.  There was a lot of snow on the ground, but there was a lot of room back there which is probably really nice in the summer.

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