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    Roads!! Those looking for a club-ish, lounge-y bar, you're in the wrong place. Dive bar anyone? I usually go here with coworkers for lunch or after work "meetings". There really isn't much to say about this place, other than it's a dive bar, with a lot of regulars who are over 30 (probably over 40, but let's give them the benefit of the doubt). The regulars here are very friendly and easy to talk to, unlike some of the more "hip, young" place people. Frankly, they just have better stories and aren't angry at you for being your age. It's a nice change of pace from the bars/clubs/lounges where YOU HAVE TO TALK LIKE THIS!! and your friend goes WHAAAT? I KNOW, RIGHT?!

    The staff is very friendly as well and the food is surprisingly good. Only thing is, it's a small bar and very hard to sit anywhere else but the bar. That's where all the action is. Besides that, great place to stop by if you want to wind down and just relax.

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    typical nj bar.  mixed crowed with more older then younger.
    so drunk... don't remember much...

    they have a punching bag machine.

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    Mega M's review is dead-on identical to my experience here.

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