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    Not the worst food I've ever had but unimpressive all the same. Always empty, I have no idea how they're still open.

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    The food was alright, but as we found out, this restaurant and ownership is completely untrustworthy and will take you for everything they can.  I do not understand how it is possible that our total bill for 4 people AFTER a $50 certificate came to $212 with tip that they calculated after tax which is not the proper way. We ordered a few entrees off the specials list, which was a mistake.  Since prices were not listed, or even given upon request of prices, they had much room to upcharge us.  During the course of the evening, I had asked him several times how much a certain dish costs or how much the bill is coming to, just to be ignored.  We were smooth-talked the entire time.  We ordered 3 salads, and he would insist on 4.  I would have to demand only 3 salads is what we ordered as he would walk away. We ordered a cold antipasta dish that we thought we would share.  The contents and quantity was not given in the description.  The waiter took it on his own to decide that we had ordered 4 of the appetizers and they were individual helpings of one piece of mozzarella and tomato.  This came to $44, for cheese and tomatoes, that we only had requested one dish of.  After the dinner, I was still unsure if we hit the $100 needed to use the certificate. He didn't answer and smooth-talked his way into everything is alright and order some dessert, so we ordered thinking we might be close to $100.  The bill came,  and the final cost came to $212.00 AFTER the $50 certificate.  Amazing how he did this.  If i wasn't in the belief that we were short of $100 required to use the certificate, I would have more aggressively demanded him to tell us the costs and total of where we stood.  They must be going through hard times with the economy, and only two other parties dining that night, but it is never acceptable to take advantage of your customers and try and order things they didn't request and then ignore their concerns.  Funny thing is, he would call the Greeks crooks, and we found out, he was quite the hypocrite.

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    i'm not really familiar with restaurants or places new jersey  but since my boss rave about this place and decided to have a thanks giving dinner party here- so on thanks giving day- me and group of 20 people got a chance to come to Il castello, this is a nice and cozy italian restaurant located in NJ,
    we basically had the place by our self. the owner and server are really accommodating to all of us...
    We got 5 course meal and a lot of wine-
    the service is friendly and top knot~ even thought they only have one server and the owner there but they make sure that everybody has been taken care of.
    the food is excellent-
    we got a 5 courses meal
    -prociutto with tomato and mozzarella for starter
    -pasta salad with pesto sauce taste really good
    -green salad- arugula and mix green with vinaigrette dressing
    im not crazy about the dressing though.. i think it's a little bit too sour..
    anyway, the main dish taste delicious!!
    -broiled fish served with sweet potato and vegetable .. the fish is well cook and everything in the plate tastes really really good
    i skipped the dessert though..
    but we have the wonderful times- great food and great service..  
    will definitely come back again when i'm in NJ..

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