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    One complaint... your boneless wings are... chewy??

    But I tried the regular wings and they were awshum.

    Started off with some Texas Queso and salsa that was apparently made on site. Both were very, very delicious... there weren't quite enough chips to finish off both, though, which is disappointing... especially in places where chips and dip aren't either free or endless. Boo.

    So yea, my boneless wings weren't very crispy, and I prefer crispy over just done and drowning in sauce, but that's okay... they were edible. Fries were great... drinks were great... queso was great...

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    The Derby is now where Locos used to be. The interior pretty much looks the same, although it does look like Locos took the grime and dirt that was caked on the hostess stand with them!

    The service was pretty slow, and we were only 1 of 4 tables in the whole place. We seriously sat and waited for a server for about 10 min. Not cool when you are trying to eat a decent meal in an hour.

    We started off with the chips: they were ok. Not too much good or bad to say about them.
    I had the cowboy chicken sandwich and it was surprisingly good! I wished that they would have informed me that there would be bleu cheese crumbles ontop of my chicken as I spent a good minute picking them all out.
    My brother had the blackened grouper sandwich and the french silk pie, both of which he said were pretty good.

    The only reason why I am not giving this place good marks is because it took way to long to get our food.

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    A great new location for the bars that you're probably familiar with in the Northside of town.
    Standard orders in this place. Get beers, get food, relax!  Great place to watch sports. It's so new that it's really clean right now, it'll need some dirt to make it super comfortable.
    Give it a try when you're in the neighborhood.

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